Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair

Free Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair by K. M. Morgan

Book: Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair by K. M. Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. M. Morgan
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Romance, Mystery, women sleuth, v.5, animal
Not to mention they’d remain tight-lipped about their secret. 
    They weren’t going to get away with it though.  Daisy was determined to crack the case.  And she knew just where to start. 

    Chapter Ten
    Brooke Cash was wearing lots of pink again.  She seemed to have a different pink outfit every day.  And everything she owned had at least some pink in it.  Daisy didn’t even realize they made that made pink outfits.  She also couldn’t help but wonder what Brooke had against other colors. 
    Would it hurt to try a nice blue or red?  Even orange?  Daisy couldn’t even remember the last time she wore something pink, and here Brooke looked like head to toe cotton candy today. 
    There was more to think about than just Brooke’s fashion choices.  Namely, her husband’s murder.  Brooke was the most obvious of suspects.  She had a killer motive. 
    In the last week, she found out that her husband was cheating on her again—with his legal assistant.  On top of that, when she declared she was through with his cheating and her intentions to divorce him, he told her he’d fight her tooth and nail in court to keep every dime he could. 
    With Max dead, she had everything to gain.  Although she could never erase the memory of her husband’s infidelity, at least she wouldn’t have to look at his cheating face anymore.  He couldn’t hurt her again if he was in the ground.  On top of that, she didn’t have to go through a lengthy and contentious divorce.  Now she’d get to keep every dime.
    That was a pretty strong motive.  One could even argue that Brooke Cash’s life was a lot happier with her husband dead.  Not a lot of people could say that. 
    She had the motive and the means to slip rat poison into her husband’s coffee after hours, but did she actually do the deed?  That was a tougher call. 
    Daisy knew one thing.  For a recent widow, Brooke Cash sure seemed to be short on tears.  Her eyes were as dry as could be. 
    With Angela in custody, the rest of the deputies headed back to the station.  For the employees of the law office, that meant it was time to get back to work. 
    Daisy approached Brooke in the parking lot as she and the rest of the employees made their way into the building. 
    “Mrs. Cash, can I talk to you for a second?” Daisy asked. 
    Brooke gave her a confused look.  “I’m sorry.  Who are you?”
    “Oh—right.  I’m Daisy McDare.  Your husband hired me to redecorate the office.”
    “Ah--right.  What can I do for you?”
    “First, I’d like to say I’m sorry for your loss.  It was a terrible thing what happened to your husband,” Daisy said. 
    Daisy looked into her eyes and saw no remorse.  Brooke actually had a sense of relief on her face.  That was, until Max was brought up.  That’s when the fire of a jilted wife came back into her eyes. 
    “I can’t say he didn’t deserve it,” Brooke declared.
    Brooke’s emotional fury over being cheated on hadn’t dulled in the least.  She was still as hot about it as ever. 
    One thought came to Daisy’s mind at that moment—this woman was definitely capable of murder. 
    Daisy tried to hide her shock about how raw Brooke’s emotions were. 
    “I can’t really speak to that,” Daisy said. 
    “Angela Franklin may have been the one to do the deed, but Max had it coming alright,” Brooke continued. 
    “Well, you have my sympathies Mrs. Cash.”
    “Thank you.  It’s a very emotional time.”
    Daisy had never seen someone look so cold saying that.
    “I meant I’m sorry that he cheated on you.  I know what that’s like.  Men can be such dogs sometimes, can’t they?” Daisy replied. 
    Brooke scoffed.  “Are you kidding?  Dogs are much cuter.”
    There seemed to be no letup in Brooke.  She was in full ‘scorned wife’ mode, even as a new widow.
    Daisy gave her a fake laugh for her bitter joke, then went digging for clues.  “So true.  I don’t know

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