Steel and Heat (Blacksteel Bandits Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Free Steel and Heat (Blacksteel Bandits Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Evelyn Glass

Book: Steel and Heat (Blacksteel Bandits Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
green eyes. “No way!”
    “Mir-” he started, an apologetic expression pinching at his face.
    “I have work to do,” she sniffed, clenching the note Tyler had written her earlier concerning Pete's information. She snatched the laptop up in her arms and paced down the hall. Tyler didn't follow her like Jack had done for Naomi. Her heart flapped sadly at the fact while her head was thankful. She needed time to think.
    Miranda stepped into her usual room, ignoring the scent of dust and stale air as she slammed her door shut. She dropped her burden on the dresser and angrily stormed across the room.
    Men! What were they thinking? Self-sacrificing fools!
    She punched her bed, a flurry of dust pluming from the mattress. Coughing, she waved the dust away from her face, considering the fact they'd have to air out the cabin a bit. They weren't supposed to stay long, though. With Baldie on their tail, it'd only be a matter of time until the cabin was found. Pacing the room, she tried to spur on some thoughts. Miranda's hand dug into her hair, considering what few options they had. Nothing came to mind.
    As she rounded the room, her eyes fell on the laptop sitting on the dresser. Maybe the accounts would give her some intel. Dusting off a chair and pulling it up to the dresser, Miranda opened the laptop. Moral qualms battled in her head, briefly.
    Pete's right to privacy was revoked when he threatened people she loved.
    Conviction in place, her fingers flew across the keyboard. The tapping of the keys filled her room as the background of forest sounds wafted in through the walls.
    * * *
    Tyler cursed as Miranda disappeared down the hall. He had to fight his feet against following her. This wasn't a situation like Naomi and Jack's. This was entirely different. She could save herself. She had no reason to stick her neck out for him. His feet scuffed along the floor of the cabin. He needed something to keep his mind off her and everything.
    He began to air out the cabin, shaking out dusty blankets and opening a few windows. He wasn't going to completely open it up, though. Someone could have followed them from Legacy. Though, he doubted it, it paid to be safe, especially with a pregnant person under their roof.
    He jumped as his phone chimed in his pocket. Swiping it out, he didn't even bother glancing at the name. Only one person had this number. He flipped the phone open and held it to his ear, “What's up, Lloyd?”
    “Have you gotten any more proof?” The voice on the other end crackled. In the background, Tyler made out the sounds of a raucous bar scene. The connection crackled with static. Or maybe there was interference from something on Lloyd's end.
    Tyler sighed and shook his head, even though the man on the other end couldn't see the action. “Not yet, man.”
    “Jeez,” hissed Lloyd. He made a sound like he was sucking a popcorn kernel out of his molars. “Ty, you're putting me in a tough spot.”
    “I know, I know,” Tyler paced around the living area. Frustration tinged his thoughts and tinted his words. “Just shit has been happening on this end.”
    Lloyd was silent for a moment. Tyler could hear the gears turning in the man's head. He was trying to figure out what could have gone wrong. Last time he saw them, they were bruised and battered, but in gracious and good spirits. “Shit? What kind of shit?”
    He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. Finally, after a beat of hesitance, Tyler muttered, “We went back to Legacy.”
    “Aw, dammit, Tyler!” Lloyd cussed under his breath and the sound of crunching rocks indicated he paced around on gravel. Or maybe he was power-walking to his hog, ready to track down the doofuses he let go.
    “No, it's not what you think,” assured Tyler, though the words came out clipped. He knew he wasn't telling the full truth, but Lloyd didn't need to know that. “I'm not here for Miranda.

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