Eyes Ever to the Sky (A Sci Fi Romance) (The Sky Trilogy)

Free Eyes Ever to the Sky (A Sci Fi Romance) (The Sky Trilogy) by Katie French

Book: Eyes Ever to the Sky (A Sci Fi Romance) (The Sky Trilogy) by Katie French Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie French
as a pillow? A little boy was attacked by a wild animal in the woods that surrounded Goshten Subdivision, just north of here. The boy had survived, but they'd found a mangled cat. Police warned of a coyote or even a black bear. Little Mack shivered as he dragged himself toward the road. Was the thing behind him a black bear? He chanced a look over his shoulder.
    The thing behind him broke into a run.
    A little squeal tore out of Little Mack's throat. Faster, faster he crawled. The end of the alley seemed miles off. His heart thudded into his throat. He'd die before he made it. His heart would give out, or— A car zoomed past twenty feet away. He was almost there. 
    Paws the size of bear claws slammed into his back. He crumpled to the ground, the air spewing out of his lungs. A tremendous weight pressed on him. The animal stench was everywhere now, gagging him. Stars swam across his vision. Paws grabbed him and flipped him over like a toddler. His head smacked mercilessly on the pavement. The world shifted and spun.
    “ No,” he gurgled. Vomit churned up his throat. He raised his eyes and saw a rope of saliva dripping off two rows of six-inch fangs. Hot, rancid breath pulsed against his face. He thrashed back and forth, but he was pinned. Even the whiskey couldn't dull his terror. He started to sob.
    Little Mack turned his eyes to Cassiopeia as fangs cinched around his throat. He gurgled his last breath, the smell of his own blood stinging his nose.

    Wednesday 12:36 a.m.
    Cece ran up the sidewalk, her eyes locked on light burning inside her trailer. She gritted her teeth and hurdled a faded tricycle that one of the boys next door left on the sidewalk. Why had she gone to that stupid party anyway? She hadn't wanted to go. She'd wanted to sleep. This was all Fer's fault for dragging her out. Of course she couldn’t tell Mama that or Fer would be on Mama’s bad list. And you didn’t want to be on Mama’s bad list.
    She jumped up her porch steps, nearly losing her footing as the metal rail wobbled loose.   Without thinking she turned the knob and pushed in.
    “Mama, I...”
    She stopped. Mama was nowhere to be seen. Cece scanned the trailer. Mama’s couch was empty, the cushions dented where she normally lay. The TV was blaring. Every light was on. Cece squinted into the interior of the trailer.
    “Mama?” A nervous sweat dotted her back. She glanced around. Had someone been here? The hairs on her arms stood on end as she tip-toed down the hallway toward her room. Could someone have broken in?
    The noxious smell of chemicals hit her nose halfway to the bathroom. The door was closed. Behind it she heard muttering.
    “Mama!” She jiggled the doorknob. “Let me in.”
    The door popped open and slid back slowly. Cece stepped inside. 
    Mama leaned over the bathtub in her nightgown and slippers, yellow rubber gloves up to both elbows. Her hair curled away from her head in all directions. She regarded her only child with wild, frantic eyes.
    “ Cecelia, I glad you home from work.” Her mother spoke so fast that the words ran together. “Just cleaning this mess up. Help me get this tub clean.” She dropped back into the bathroom and scrubbed like a mad woman.
    Which of course she was.
    “Mama,” Cece said, stepping into the bathroom, “stop. It’s past midnight. You can clean tomorrow.” She pulled at her mother’s elbow, just bones and skin under a loose cotton robe.
    Mama shook her head and continued to scrub. “Can’t leave it like this, mi amor . ’S a mess. Filthy. Help me.” The brush made a shushing sound against the tub wall.
    Manic. Mama was now in the manic stage of her Bipolar Disorder. Cece had read every article she could get her hands on about the disease. The manic phase could last a few hours, a few days or longer. And with all the pills gone and no money to buy new ones, who knew what was next for Mama? The possibilities

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