Hell Bound (Seventh Level Book 2)

Free Hell Bound (Seventh Level Book 2) by Charity Parkerson, Regina Puckett

Book: Hell Bound (Seventh Level Book 2) by Charity Parkerson, Regina Puckett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charity Parkerson, Regina Puckett
Tags: paranormal romance
away to his new friend ‘Ark’ about all his awesome toys, Morgan unlocked the door and Mark listened intently as if it was the most fascinating story ever told.
    With everyone inside, Mark allowed Cole to show him everything in the living room. Morgan settled onto the couch, using the cushions to support her arm while Mr. Washington chose the most uncomfortable seat in the living room. She spent a moment debating whether or not she should offer him something to drink and then another wondering if she had anything to drink in her house. In the end, the knowledge he was there to destroy her life settled the matter. He could wither away in thirst.
    “I’d like to start by saying, I advised Mr. Collins to have a DNA test before making any decisions, but he declined my council on the matter.” Mark snorted at the lawyer’s statement while Morgan suppressed the urge to punch the man in his throat. It didn’t matter that he was protecting his client. She was protecting her son. Mr. Washington eyed Mark with dislike as he continued. “Mr. Collins has a habit of ignoring better judgment. Seeing as how he is convinced Cole is indeed his son and there is nothing I can do to change his mind, I’ve been ordered to draw up papers ensuring Cole’s financial security. As I explained to Wade, that is not the sort of thing I make happen in a matter of hours, but I have started working on it. In the meantime, I have a check here, which should tide you over until the paperwork is complete.”
    Popping open his briefcase, Mr. Washington pulled out a slip of paper and set it on the coffee table between them. Even without leaning forward, Morgan could see the zeros at the end and her head swam over the amount. “I don’t want it,” she said without hesitation.
    The lawyer’s eyebrows rose, and he made a show of studying her living room. She knew what he was seeing. Her house was tiny, at best. Her dark-blue couch and rose-colored chair had been purchased second hand. There was barely enough room to walk around the scratched up table without bumping into anything, but it was clean, and it was hers. She’d worked jobs she hated and terrible hours for everything she possessed. It didn’t matter what he thought of it. She wouldn’t be embarrassed for doing her best.
    “Did you lose your keys?” she asked before he could comment on her furnishings and piss her off even more. Without waiting for him to answer, she added, “Because you’re looking around the room as if you’ve misplaced something and since I’ve said I don’t want the money, I assume you’re keys must be missing. Being as how you’re still here and all.”
    “Morgan, I—”
    “Ms. Bradley,” she cut him off in order to remind him.
    A small smile touched his lips and she got the impression she’d somehow earned his respect with the reprimand. “Ms. Bradley,” he said, his tone softening. “I can’t force you to take the money, but I am going to leave the check here. Give it a few days and think things over. You’re not taking a handout or signing away any rights. You’re simply accepting financial support from the father of your child.” He stood to leave without giving her a chance to argue. “Mr. Ledoux. It’s been a pleasure, as always,” he added with a nod in Mark’s direction. Mark’s eyes twinkled as if he found the man’s words humorous. “I’m sure,” he answered dryly.
    Morgan waited until she heard the car door slam and pull away before she spoke. “Mark, I really hate to drag you into the middle of things.”
    “Nu-uh,” he said immediately. “I’m not taking that check back with me.” Her heart fell at his answer. She really didn’t want the check in her house a second longer than it needed to be.
    “Then take me to Wade so I can return it.”
    Mark held his arms out and Cole wasted no time climbing into them. “Looks like we’re headed to see some fireworks, buddy,” he said sounding sarcastic as he headed back for the

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