Trumpet on the Land

Free Trumpet on the Land by Terry C. Johnston

Book: Trumpet on the Land by Terry C. Johnston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry C. Johnston
Laramie, sir. General Sheridan.”
    â€œGive ’em over.”
    King watched the man’s impassive face as he read over the three pages of handwritten documents.
    Carr asked, “Sheridan’s returned to Laramie?”
    â€œNo, sir. He telegraphed these from Camp Robinson.”
    The lieutenant colonel nodded, saying nothing more, then read over the dispatches one more time. When he looked up, he blinked, pursed his lips a long moment, then asked the courier, “You’ve been ordered to return, Private?”
    â€œYes, sir. As soon as I’ve delivered those to you, General.”
    Carr saluted. “Back there a couple of miles, you passed a spring. Get that mount watered, then rest him an hour before you ride back. Is that understood, soldier?”
    â€œYes, General.”
    â€œAnd—one other thing, Private. By God, keep your eyes moving all the time.”
    The youngster grinned, cracking the sweat-plastered powder caking his face, swiping his hand across the sweat and grime on his chin. With a salute he turned and was pushing his mount back down the column.
    â€œGentlemen, we’ve had a small change in our plans.”
    King asked, “We’re not going to unite with Crook, General Carr?”
    â€œNo. At least not for the time being, Lieutenant.”
    King felt disappointment, curiosity mixed. “Where to?”
    â€œWe’re to continue on north along the Custer City Road, but once we hit the Powder River trail the war bands are reported using, instead of following it into their hunting grounds—we’re supposed to halt there and await further orders.”
    â€œFurther orders?” squealed Major Julius W. Mason nearby. “Are we ever going to get into this war or not?”
    â€œI don’t know about you fellas,” Carr told them as he reined his mount around so its nose once more pointed north, “but something tells this old horse soldier that we might just bump into some action before we even join up with Crook.”
    Then he pointed into the distance. “How far to that line of trees would you gauge, Mr. King?”
    â€œLess than a mile, General.”
    â€œVery good,” Carr replied. “Inform the company commanders we’re going to take a short rest there, and tell the officers I expect to have a conference with them in some of that shade up there.”
    King raised his face into the heat of the noonday sun. The tender flesh along the inner sides of his thighs chafed with sweat, rubbed against the rough wool and unforgiving saddle tree of his McClellan until they felt as if they were on fire. “Yes, sir.”
    â€œDamn right, King. If I know what you’re thinking. But trust me—it’s even hotter to an old soldier like me. Now, you ride on ahead and bring those two scouts in. I want their latest report on the ground ahead at the officers’ meeting.”
    Minutes later Little Bat and Buffalo Chips were back in what shade the stubby, rustling cottonwoods offered, joining that ring of officers. Carr listened to what the halfbreed scout had to tell them about the country to thenorth, and what Indian sign the two of them had crossed since daybreak. The regiment’s commander didn’t take long in deciding his course of action.
    â€œMajor Stanton,” Carr said, addressing the department’s paymaster, “I’ve decided to send you ahead on our trail with a company in reconnaissance.”
    â€œWhich one, sir?” asked Captain Thaddeus Stanton, Sheridan’s own emissary riding with the Fifth.
    â€œC. That’d be yours, Lieutenant Keyes.”
    Edward L. Keyes straightened. “Yes, General.”
    Stanton turned to Carr. “General, I’d like to request that you send King with me.”
    Carr looked at his young adjutant. “Lieutenant? How’s that sound to a veteran Apache fighter like you?”
    King grinned, glancing at Stanton. “By all

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