
Free Geist by phaedra weldon

Book: Geist by phaedra weldon Read Free Book Online
Authors: phaedra weldon
both sides. Ethereal and Abysmal. And it believes it can do this by controlling whatever being sits inside the Thrones." 
    "But, what is this about the Thrones being alive?" 
    He set the pen down and rested back on the blanket. With his hands behind his head, I could see him so clearly in the moonlight. He was...beautiful. "Ever heard of the universal mind?" 
    Uh-oh. "Yeah." 
    "Well...think of the Thrones as being two halves of that mind. Like the left side of the brain and right side of the brain. Your brain is a living organism all on its own, right?" 
    I nodded. 
    "When we're born, there's something that holds us all together—something that scientists can't identify very clearly. It binds our bodies together, it regulates our hearts, our lungs, our stomachs—it makes all of this stuff work. And it does it before you—you as in your soul and personality—ever really start to develop." 
    "You think...these Thrones are that same thing? That glue?"
    "Well, it's not like they make plastic in the Abysmal plane. Everything is made up of abysmic stuff. And we know from experience that abysmic stuff can eventually develop something close to sentience. Or...kinda. Alice and Nona agree—" 
    I reacted at the mention of my mother's name and touched his chest. God I wanted to feel his skin against mine. "I need to see mom." 
    "You sure that's a good idea?" He reached down and took my hand in his. 
    "Well... Nona keeps herself separate from us because Adiran is always watching her. She helped get me out of hock, so to speak, but since then she's kept her distance. We keep in touch with her—but we also have to make sure we're never around her." 
    "You mean my dad stalks her?"
    "Yeah. 'Fraid so." 
    What a right bastard he was. He'd stuck his daughter into an egg and then abandoned her to harass his ex-wife? "He's so fucking sure there's nothing I can do about this." 
    "Wow. You sound angry." 
    "And why shouldn't I be?" I crossed my arms under my breasts. "Bastard lured me into an egg, told me I was going to be a great power and then I lose a couple of months while he steers the ship all over the fucking place. That and he doesn't want us together—none of them do." 
    Dags turned on his left side and looked at me. "Why not?" 
    I started to answer–and then realized I didn't actually have one. An answer. "I—I don't know. I just remember during one of the times I was being questioned about you and me and TC I overheard a voice making a note that you and I should be kept apart at all costs." 
    He looked thoughtful. "Wonder why. Maybe we'll start getting answers now that you're with us. But for right now, no skipping out to see Nona, okay? We'll let her know in our own way. They don't know you've skipped town so to speak, do they?"
    "I don't think so. I mean I haven't heard any warning sirens or anything. But okay—" and I leaned down to kiss his forehead. "No telling mom, yet." I waited a few seconds before I finally asked the question that'd been bugging me all this time. "Dags—after they put your book back together—except for the page I have—why didn't you come and get me out?" 
    He looked up at me. His gray eyes amazed me. They were so full of passion and mirth. Yeah, a lot of mirth. Finally, he said, "Zoë—we couldn't find a way in. Not even Azrael was having any luck." 
    "You mean the borders being closed stopped you?"
    "Yes. Once we figure out a way to get to you physically—we plan on getting to you, and that page, and putting an end to all of this." 
    "I guess I thought getting you out of the Society's House would do that. I thought telling my mother off for actually putting you in the Society's care would end this—"  
    "Zoë," he sighed and took my hand in his. I imagined it was warm and inviting. "Don't be mad at Nona. She put me in a place that gave me round-the-clock care when she and Rhonda couldn't do it anymore. Jemmy left—though she still has the house next to your mom's.

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