
Free Boots by Angel Martinez

Book: Boots by Angel Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angel Martinez
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
ricocheted through him when Willem wriggled the finger in far enough to stroke his gland. He gave up speech, his fingers kneading Willem's biceps, a loud purr vibrating through his chest. A second finger joined the first and his purring ratcheted up a notch, punctuated by little, pleading mews.
    "I love the sounds you make," Willem whispered against his jaw, licking and nibbling. "You want more?"
    "More," Kasha got out in a hoarse growl.
    His breath caught in shock when Willem lifted him, bent in half as he was, onto his lap, settling his rock hard erection in the crease between Kasha's cheeks. In all his years of sex, with some encounters more memorable than others, this was a position he did not recall. But then, Willem was uncommonly strong; it wasn't a position most men could manage.
    That deliciously sculpted arm wrapped tighter around Kasha's waist and lifted. The buried fingers withdrew, replaced by the silken head of Willem's erection demanding entrance. Kasha wrapped his arms around Willem's neck, breathing in hard puffs as Willem lowered him, filling him inch by inch.
    The odd position meant that Willem couldn't drive as deep as he had before, but that negated none of the mind-melting pleasure. Pain accompanied the strange angle as well, in each slow thrust, in the building burn tightening his hamstrings, but it was what he needed most right now. Physical pain was a thing of the moment. It drove out the haunts of the past.
    "All right, babe?" Willem murmured in his ear, both arms wrapped tight around him now, moving Kasha up and down as he pleased.
    "Yes, oh, yes." Kasha dug his nails into Willem's broad back, urging him on, helpless to do much more than wriggle on the pole impaling him. His cock, trapped against Willem's stomach, rode up and down along that soft, golden treasure trail. The spines had to be scraping Willem's skin, but he either enjoyed the sensation or was too caught up in the moment to care.
    So close, so damn close. "Willem, just a little, just... "
    He couldn't formulate a cohesive sentence, but Willem sensed what he needed and thrust up hard, thigh muscles bunching under Kasha's ass. The skin of his sac drew up tight, in a sudden rush as if his balls tried to climb inside. He felt as if the wind lifted him, as he used to when he rode the lightning. The cabin fell away. There was only Willem and the gale on which they rode.
    A howl leaped from his throat as the first shock of climax slammed through him. Willem's arms tightened around him painfully, his body shuddering under Kasha as he grunted and drove up harder. He buried his head against Kasha's shoulder, muffling his cries when he followed Kasha into the storm.
    Once the tempest began to quiet, Willem leaned forward on trembling legs to lower Kasha to his back, easing out so Kasha could have his own legs back. He sprawled boneless on the floor, limbs flung out with no regard for dignity, and heaved a long, contented sigh.
    Willem flopped down beside him. "Damn, you wear me out."
    With a little smile, Kasha leaned over to lick the red claw marks on Willem's shoulders and back. Not satisfied with that, he slid down to lick the white trails with which his climax had decorated Willem's stomach and chest. The mixed flavors of Willem's skin and his own come were intoxicating.
    After a few rough-tongued licks, Willem squirmed and laughed. "Stop! You're going to get me all riled up again."
    Kasha raised an eyebrow. "That's a bad thing?"
    "I need a rest first. Maybe even a nap."
    "Of course. I'm sorry." Kasha gave himself a little shake and changed back into his furred form. He rubbed his cheek against Willem's head and padded out the door to sit in the last rays of the evening sun on the doorstep.
    The blackness had lifted, thanks to Willem, though he felt oddly hollow and weary. He hummed to himself, watching the sun, his ancient mistress, change her gown from yellow to scarlet.
    In a few moments, Willem joined him, fully dressed. He plunked down on

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