A Perfect Waiter

Free A Perfect Waiter by Alain Claude Sulzer

Book: A Perfect Waiter by Alain Claude Sulzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alain Claude Sulzer
Erneste’s, it was obvious that each of them was as aroused as the other. Their bodies and temperaments complemented each other.
    So there they stood on the shrub- and tree-lined woodland path leading down to the lake, closely entwined and inadequately shielded from the gaze of potential witnesses who could not but disapprove because they would regard the sight that met their eyes as “sick and depraved”—the list of current descriptions was a long one. Jakob might not be acquainted with it yet, but Erneste was. Despite this, they not only kissed but began to touch whatever their hands could reach without interrupting their kiss, without severing the bond between their lips. Their hands roamed over shoulders and back, neck and hair, arms, hips and buttocks—or over the cloth, at least, that covered the flesh, sinews and muscles beneath.
    It was Erneste who summoned up the courage to put his right hand on Jakob’s penis, whose presence he hadlong felt. Without hesitation, unafraid of being repulsed, his hand enveloped the cloth beneath which Jakob’s penis strained as powerfully, crudely and shockingly as his own.
    Jakob didn’t recoil. On the contrary, he pressed even closer, his penis sliding obediently through Erneste’s fingers beneath the cloth. Erneste felt the glans, gripped the shaft, cupped his hand around Jakob’s testicles. Jakob groaned aloud. Erneste stifled the sound with his lips. Jakob was trembling all over. No one had ever touched him where Erneste’s hand now lay, and while the ball of Erneste’s thumb moved slowly up and down between glans and shaft, navel and scrotum, his own hand soon found its way to Erneste’s penis. He groaned again between two intakes of breath, and this time a sigh escaped his lips. To Erneste, his breath felt like a silken cloth fluttering in his ear.
    It was little short of a miracle that no hotel guests or Sunday excursionists crossed their path during those five minutes of perfect bliss. If they had, there would undoubtedly have been a scandal. But Erneste and Jakob had the shameless good fortune to be alone in the world for a few moments, alone and unobserved. Nobody came their way, neither adult nor child. Had they been caught, they would have been dismissed the same day.
    Erneste had recommended that Jakob, who felt condemned to inactivity at the sideboard, should be promoted to waiting table, and he’d eventually gotten his way. Monsieur Flamin, who hadn’t failed to notice Jakob’scourteous manner, was persuaded by Erneste to give him suitable employment, at first on the terrace and later in the dining room. He also, when required, provided room service.
    Although Jakob’s gratitude to Erneste was beyond doubt, it wasn’t gratitude that had prompted him to kiss Erneste that afternoon. That kiss and embrace were an expression of some other emotion—how profound an emotion, time would tell. He must have known that his behavior represented a threat to himself as well as to Erneste, who found it an abiding mystery why he should so recklessly have exposed himself to the danger of discovery. Not wanting to shake Jakob’s nerve, however, he refrained both then and later from inquiring why he had kissed him that first time, some halfway down to the lake, before they turned around and headed back to the hotel. They had detached themselves after a minute or two, but it was all they could do to keep their hands off each other.
    It hadn’t been hard to convince Monsieur Flamin, who had been observing him for long enough, of Jakob’s talents. Having had a few words with him, Flamin announced that he was willing to give him an opportunity after only two months. A smart, good-looking youngster
—un jeune homme adroit et flexible avec une pareille jolie gueule d’amour
—was always welcome. Had Monsieur Flamin seen the two of them at that moment, he might not have dismissed them even though

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