Sugar Daddy Wanted: Now Accepting Applications

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Book: Sugar Daddy Wanted: Now Accepting Applications by Kellie Kamryn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kellie Kamryn
ball thrown by Duncan. Water cascaded down the muscles rippling in his back. Obviously, he’s no slouch with working out. Sitting up straighter, she sucked in her stomach. She tried to keep in shape with dance videos and Pilates, but observing a fine specimen such as the man swimming strong strokes across the expanse of the pool urged her to step up her game.
    Cohen heaved himself onto the side of the pool. Her brow furrowed in concern as she watched him breathe heavy for a moment before struggling to a stand.
    “Everything okay, my man?” she asked, handing him a towel from the table beside her.
    “I don’t feel good,” he mumbled, using the towel to wipe water from his face. “Is it okay if I lay down in my room for a bit? Mr. Nichols said we’d watch a movie in about an hour.”
    “If you need to.” She pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. “You sure you don’t want to go home?”
    His eyes widened in horror. “Why would I want to go home?”
    “Well, your own bed is always more comfortable when you don’t feel well.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “Have you tried out your bed yet? The one upstairs here is waaay better than at home. I’ll survive. Besides, I’m not missing a chance to watch a movie in his home theatre. This place is better than a hotel.” He bent and kissed her cheek, wincing as he did. “Come and get me later.”
    “You sure, you’re okay?” she questioned again.
    He stifled a groan as he straightened up. “I’m good. Stop worrying.”
    Kerry’s forehead puckered in a frown, watching her youngest child shuffle off into the house.
    Cold water droplets rained down on her, causing her to squeal in surprise. She held up her hands to shield Grayson’s attempt to get her wet by shaking the water from his hair. Snatching up a towel, she managed to chuck it into his face.
    “Is it okay if I use the hot tub?” Duncan called out.
    “Absolutely,” Grayson answered.
    “Thanks!” Duncan swam over to the ladder and hopped out of the pool.
    Kerry watched her oldest disappear into the building which housed the hot tub and lap pool. “You’ve made quite an impression on them.”
    “And what about with you?” he asked.
    “Right now, I find you annoying,” she retorted, brushing water droplets from her clothes. “Besides if you’re trying to impress me by being nice to them—save it. I’d rather see the real you.”
    “This is the real me. I had fun playing with them. I haven’t done something like this in a long time. If ever.” Grayson patted down his body. “They’re great kids. You’ve done a fine job raising them.”
    Kerry blushed at the compliment, and let out a sigh, gazing up into the twilight sky. “Being a single mom isn’t easy some times.”
    “I bet. Does their father help out?”
    She shook her head. “He pops in and out of their life from time to time, but on a regular basis—no.”
    “Tough for them. And for you.”
    “We manage.”
    “I see that.” Grayson sat in a chair beside her and toweled his head. “I seem to be winning them over, but I still don’t have a sense if I’m winning the most important person here.”
    Kerry frowned. “It shouldn’t be a competition. Just be yourself. If you’re not, we’ll all see through it eventually.”
    He fixed his dark gaze on her. “My enjoyment of your company is sincere.”
     She nodded. “Good. We’re all having fun too.”
    Grayson set the towel down and reached over to take her hand in his. “I only meant that if you’re considering moving in,” he said, lowering his voice when he spoke. “It seems important we try to convince them together—that living here permanently would be a beneficial arrangement all around.”
    His touch sent sparks flying to her nerve endings, making it difficult to think clearly with him in her personal space. Her breathing quickened. “I have to admit, it’s very tempting.”
    “Why do I hear a silent ‘but’?” He gave her hand a squeeze.
    The heat

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