Mated to War

Free Mated to War by Emma Anderson

Book: Mated to War by Emma Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Anderson
claiming that your mate has a
price on her head. Though what I’m getting from Nikki is that he’s looking to
keep her for himself.”
    “Like hell he is!” Judge
growled, heading toward the lift and his mate’s side. As he did so, he phoned
his security team, ensuring his mate would be protected while he dealt with
this little weasel.
    Saul Biesterman had been the man
who’d kidnapped Gabby and Nikki and nearly killed them both. Judge and Chaos
had taken great pleasure wiping the earth of his existence. But it seemed they
were yet to be free of the crime boss. Apparently, Saul’s nephew was taking up
where his uncle had left off, only this time it was his mate rather than Devil
and Viper’s that was being threatened. Judge’s ire grew the closer the lift
carried them to the ground floor. By the time he reached the restaurant he was
ready to rip the man’s head off and to hell with the witnesses.

Chapter Nine
are you? And who is he? she
asked in her head, hoping the woman would be able to hear her.
am Jonah’s handler, and he is who he said he is, Saul Biesterman’s nephew, came the quick response through
their telepathic connection. But the rest
is a cover. His father disapproved of his brother’s dealings and passed that on
to his son. Jonah has worked for the FBI since he graduated college and now
works in the organized crime section. He’s been trying to take down Delgado for
five years now. When his uncle was murdered, it was decided that he would do
more good undercover in the family business. We may be able to kill two birds
with one stone with you.
are you telling me all of this? Charli asked, unsure whether she really wanted to know the
Clarissa, Charli, whatever you want to be called, this situation is a win-win
for both of us . You are the key to taking down Delgado,
and once we take him down, you and your little sister can go about your lives
knowing he can’t hurt either one of you.
    Pain shot through Charli’s head,
and she raised her hand to rub her temple. She had shared her thoughts through
telepathy only once before. The day Charli had been caught attempting to leave
the house without anyone knowing to head off to college. For that she had
received a severe beating from her father. The nurse who attended her at the
hospital had spoken to her that way. Like this woman, she was a telepath. She
ended up being instrumental in Charli’s escape.
    After the ordeal, Charli had
experienced migraine-like symptoms but had attributed it to the beating and the
stress she’d been under. Now it would seem it was a side effect of talking to
someone telepathically.
because you are forcing your thoughts my way. Just think them and I will hear
them, the woman
explained, accurately reading her line of thought. Now company is coming. Your fae friend spoke to her mate in a similar
way we are speaking, warning him of Jonah’s presence. You need to get away from
all of them and meet me in the ladies’ before that headache grows worse.
    Fear raced through her body.
Could she trust this woman? She had little choice but to discover that answer
for herself. Emily’s continued safety and future freedom depended on it. She
would give anything to offer her little sister the kind of life she saw her
friends at school living.
    Looking around, Charli tried to
find the woman. Instead her gaze landed on an extremely angry male. In fact,
three menacing men stalked toward the table, their displeasure obvious for all
to see. Judge seemed to be assessing her, taking in her exterior, before his
eyes met hers. She could feel him deep within her soul.
    His presence eased her fear,
allowing her to think rationally about her options. Really she only had one. Meet
this woman and free Emily from the prison she had been forced to live in for
the last two years.
    “Biesterman, what are you doing
here?” Devil demanded, placing himself between the man and the table.
    “I came to discuss

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