Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Free Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Stormy Glenn

Book: Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
would find out soon enough that Logan felt the same. His cock was getting harder by the breath.
    Logan swallowed then walked out to the middle of the room. He could feel Love’s eyes follow his every movement. “Okay, whatever you do, don’t run from me. If you get scared, call Matt and Reed back in here. Just don’t run. My wolf will chase you.”
    “Is that what happened back at my room?”
    Logan nodded, grimacing. “It’s a natural instinct, Love. Wolves are predators by nature. If prey runs, we give chase.”
    “I am not prey!” Love snapped. His eyes sparkled with anger. It was adorable.
    “No, you’re not, and you never will be. But you did run from me during a time when I didn’t have very good control of my wolf.” Logan shrugged. “He thought you were playing and gave chase.”
    Love rolled his eyes. “Fine, I won’t run.”
    Logan pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. He was beginning to understand his mate’s moods. Love rolled his eyes when he didn’t want someone to know he was uncomfortable. He got sassy when he wanted someone to know he thought they were being an idiot. And he sucked on a lollipop whenever he was uneasy.
    “Okay, watch carefully, Love.”
    “Wait, it doesn’t hurt, does it?”
    “No, not at all.” Logan was a little surprised by Love’s concern but also warmed by it. “It’s a little strange feeling, but it doesn’t hurt at all.”
    Love nodded. “Okay, go on.”
    Logan got down on his hands and knees and willed the change. He felt his skin heat up, hair starting to sprout everywhere. His bones cracked as they shifted, elongating and reshaping him into that of a two hundred pound golden wolf.
    Logan heard Love gasp, but he couldn’t turn and reassure his mate that he was safe. His head had reshaped, a muzzle replacing his normal mouth and nose. Once he felt that his shift was complete, Logan pushed the wolf back for a moment as he looked over at Love.
    He wanted just a moment to see if Love was afraid of him before giving his wolf control. What Logan found surprised him. Love looked totally intrigued. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open, but there wasn’t a single sign of fear on his face.
    “Oh, you are so beautiful,” Love whispered as he came down on the floor on his knees. He reached his hand out hesitantly. “Can I...can I touch you?”
    Logan leaned into the hand Love held out, rolling onto his side. Love’s hands were suddenly all over Logan, moving through his fur and feeling every inch of him. Logan had just a moment to blink back the tears in his eyes before his wolf pushed him aside and took over.
    “You’re so soft.” Love sounded awed.
    Logan’s mind was hazy, filled with Love’s overwhelming scent. The lure of a mate’s pheromones was hard wired into Logan. Once he had smelled Love, he would never forget the man’s scent, be able to find him in a crowd, and track him for miles.
    No scent would ever smell as sweet to Logan. And the stronger it became, the more power it would have over Logan. As it was, he wanted to roll in the sweet fragrance, to have it cover every inch of his body.
    And then he wanted to cover his mate in his scent. Marking Love so that everyone that came near him would know he had been claimed was uppermost on Logan’s mind. Love should always smell like him.
    Logan’s chest rumbled louder and rubbed his large head back and forth against Love’s legs then started moving up his chest. He was elated when Love laughed and fell back on his butt. There didn’t seem to be any fear in Love at all that he was sitting next to a two hundred pound wolf.
    Logan butted at Love with his head until the man laid back on the floor then crawled over him, ensuring that his large size was supported by his legs. He didn’t want to crush his smaller mate.
    Logan rubbed his face against the side of Love’s then down to his neck. He huffed loudly when Love laughed and tilted his head back. Logan knew that Love had no idea

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