Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Book: Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
about the significance of his gesture, but Logan did. He licked at Love’s arched throat then gently bit down on it. Not hard enough to hurt but just enough to appease his wolf.
    Once Logan’s wolf was satisfied and laid back, Logan jumped to have control again. He watched Love’s eyes widen as he shifted back to his human form. Fear filled their gray depths as Love scrambled back until he hit the edge of the couch.
    Logan climbed up onto his knees and held a hand out to his mate. “Love, it’s okay. It’s still me. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
    Love’s hand pressed against his chest as he inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. His eyes were still wide, but he didn’t look quite so frightened. “Let me see it again.”
    “I want to see you shift again.”
    Logan debated the merits of shifting again for about two seconds then lowered himself to the floor again and shifted. When he looked up at Love’s mouth was hanging open once again, a look of awe in his soft features.
    “That is amazing,” Love whispered as he crawled closer. Logan couldn’t help but whimper again when Love stroked his fur. He loved the feeling of his mate’s hands on him. “Okay, shift back.”
    Logan blinked in surprise then shifted. Love’s hands remained on his skin even after he shifted. Logan raised his head, expecting to see fear in Love’s eyes, but instead he found Love frowning, his eyebrows drawn together in a deep grimace.
    “Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” Love asked. “I felt your bones move. I felt you shift.”
    “No, Love, it doesn’t hurt at all, I promise you. I’ve been shifting for years.”
    Love’s forehead wrinkled as his hands moved down Logan’s arm. “Did it hurt the first time you shifted?”
    “The first time?”
    Love nodded.
    “Yeah, a little.” Logan slowly settled his body down on the floor. He felt a little strange sitting in front of Love stark ass naked, but he wasn’t going to do anything that might frighten the man again. “We’re born human, but we can shift right away. I think it’s more scary than painful.”
    “I’ll bet,” Love snorted.
    “We know our time is coming before we shift. Our muscles start to cramp, and our bones pop.”
    “And that doesn’t hurt?” Love gasped.
    Logan shrugged. “It’s not exactly comfortable, but it doesn’t hurt. It feels kind of like a growth spurt.”
    “And when you shift?” Love asked. “What’s that like? Are you aware when you shift?”
    “Did you know who I was?”
    Logan could see that the question was important to Love, but he wasn’t sure how to answer. Things seemed to be going pretty well between him and Love at the moment, and he didn’t want to do or say something that would send his mate back into a panic.
    “Yes, I am fully aware of you, but it’s also like things are muted.”
    Logan chuckled. “We believe that our wolf is a separate entity from our human side. When the wolf takes over, our human side is pushed to the back. We’re still aware, but the wolf is in control. It’s the same when our human side is at the forefront. I can feel my wolf side, but right now I am in control.”
    “Does your wolf know who I am?”
    Logan patted Love’s hand where it rested on his thigh. “Oh, yeah, my wolf is very aware of you.”
    Logan couldn’t even begin to explain how aware his wolf was of Love. They were mates, and his wolf was fully aware of that fact. To mark Love as his mate, Logan had to claim him in werewolf form. It was the only way the mating mark would remain.
    He hadn’t taken Love in that form yet because Love had to give his consent. At some point, if Logan could get Love to agree to their mating, he would take Love in his werewolf form . It was the only way that their telepathic link could be created between them.
    Logan’s third form was that of wolf and man, a werewolf. He’d have the body of a man, only bigger and more muscular,

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