Death on the High Lonesome

Free Death on the High Lonesome by Frank Hayes

Book: Death on the High Lonesome by Frank Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Hayes
told me they have a lot more hay up at the Thompson ranch than they need.”
    â€œI heard about Mrs. Thompson.”
    â€œGuess you’ve been talking to Manuel, also.”
    Cesar reached into his pocket.
    â€œI don’t believe it,” Virgil said. “A cell phone? You’ve actually decided to live in the twenty-first century?”
    â€œMaybe partway,” Cesar said. “I want to be able to reach out and touch somebody.”
    Virgil laughed. “Never thought I’d see this day. Guess that means I don’t have to put a landline in the new barn like I did in the old one.”
    Cesar held up the phone. “I’m connected,” he said. “Now about that hay.”
    *   *   *
    Kyle Harrison was waiting for Virgil at the office.
    â€œHe’s usually here by now,” Rosita said as she glanced at the clock. “Maybe he stopped by the hospital to see Jimmy.”
    â€œWell, I’ve got some things I’ve got to take care of, so tell him I’ll be back a little after one to pick him up.”
    â€œDoes he know what this is about?”
    â€œNo, and I want to keep it that way.”
    â€œAnything you want to share?”
    Kyle looked at Rosie as he stood to leave. “I know you two are close. I will say that today is going to resurrect something that I think Virgil’s been working hard these last couple of months toput behind him. Maybe your relationship can help him process today’s revelations.”
    â€œAre we talking about something or someone?”
    â€œWell, I guess you could say it’s a bit of a mixed bag. He and I are going to take a short trip back in time and place. The place is going to be the Black Bull.”
    Rosita realized after Kyle left that she had somehow risen to the level of “need to know” in Kyle’s eyes. Now she was beginning to wonder if that was a good thing. Virgil, meanwhile, unaware of what the day before him held, had just stepped out of the elevator in Hayward Memorial Hospital.
    Jimmy’s bed was empty, so he checked with the nurse’s station. One of the nurses told him Jimmy was having a physical therapy session, but would return shortly. Rather than sit in the empty room, he decided to touch base with Art Kincaid. He got back on the elevator. As he stepped out of it, he saw Ark go into his office. He tapped lightly on the glass window. Ark waved him in as he sat down behind his desk.
    â€œWe’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Virgil.”
    â€œYeah, but I understand if I really want a fun night out, we should go out for a beer sometime. Then you can tell me some of those grisly jokes I’ve been hearing about.”
    â€œLet me guess—you’ve been talking to Chet, my intern. He told me he ran into you yesterday. He’s a good guy.”
    â€œYes he is. Hope he sticks around,” Virgil said.
    â€œI think there’s a good chance.”
    â€œSex is a good lure.”
    â€œNone better. Besides, Karen is a nice girl. But you know that, Virgil. She was one of the nurses that took care of you a few months back when you needed some TLC.”
    â€œShe was. Hope he doesn’t let her slip away.”
    â€œYeah, we all need somebody,” Ark said. “Except maybe you.”
    â€œDon’t know about that. Kinda feel lately like I’m missing out. Rosie’s already suggested that I should cultivate some special person in my life.”
    â€œLike maybe that young girl?”
    â€œYou know about Virginia?”
    â€œVirgil, this is still a small town. I’ve known for a while.”
    Virgil stood up from the seat he had taken. “Well, I’d better get upstairs,” he said. “Want to check on Jimmy before I get on with my day. Thought I’d stop by in case you had anything for me. So, let’s do that beer some night. Like to hear some of those cadaver jokes.”
    â€œYou got it.”

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