Ride Me Cowboy #3 (The Cowboy Romance Series - Book #3)

Free Ride Me Cowboy #3 (The Cowboy Romance Series - Book #3) by Alycia Taylor

Book: Ride Me Cowboy #3 (The Cowboy Romance Series - Book #3) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
loose. As he came
off the ground that time, so did I. The bullfighting cowboys were there. The
crowd is quiet now and that makes me even more nervous. My wrist felt like it
was snapping with each thrust of the powerful animal’s body. The bull riders
are doing their best, but to no avail. Rationally, I knew that only half a
minute had passed, but it seemed like so much more. I flopped up and down like
a rag doll as I tried to disengage myself.  
    Somehow, by the grace of God, I got loose. The crowd
was cheering again…until the bull suddenly lowered his head. My wrist was in
excruciating pain, but I had to get out of there. I took off for the fence and
when I looked over my shoulder I saw the worst part of the bull, coming right
at me. His head was down and he was pounding the ground with his front foot.
His horns were aimed for me and before I made it to the fence, in spite of the
bullfighter’s best efforts, he caught me with those big horns and threw me and
then he stomped on my side. I was in blinding pain so I’m not sure exactly what
the bullfighter’s did next but somehow, they distracted him and got him out of
the arena before he had a chance to finish me off. I was dizzy and I could feel
sweat…or maybe it was blood, trickling down the sides of my face. I turned onto
my stomach and in push-up position; I pushed myself up out of the dirt .   Then, I walked over
to the center of the arena and picked up my dirty hat. The crowd was on their
feet for me, so I raised my hat and limped out of there. As soon as I got out
of the arena, they were rushing me towards the locker rooms where the trainers
were. Someone handed me a little flask of whiskey and I took a long pull from
    The locker room was bright with fluorescent lights.
There were already several injured cowboys and one of the bullfighters in
there. The small medical staff rushed towards me and start shining lights in my
eyes and asking me stupid questions like “How many fingers do you see,” and
“Who’s the president of the United States.” I think I answered correctly, but I
was still a little dazed and confused, so I hoped I didn’t say anything too
    I glanced to my left…but mistake. One of the doctors
was draining fluid from a guy’s elbow with a big ass needle. I’d rather get
stepped on by that bull again. While I was distracted by that sight, the doctor
touched my wrist. I cried out.
    “Can you bend it?”
    “If I want to feel like I’m dying.”
    “It’s already turning purple. We need to get an
x-ray but I’m pretty certain it’s broken.”
    “My fingers and my forearm are numb.”
    “We need to get you to the hospital right away.”
    “What did I score?”
    The doctor sighed. This wasn’t his first rodeo. He
looked at one of the volunteers and said, “Can you find out his score?” The kid
nodded and took off. “Now, after he comes back with that score, you need to go
to the hospital.” I didn’t argue with him. I hurt too badly. I did refuse to
get on a gurney. My legs weren’t broken.
    The young volunteer came back quickly. When he did,
he was smiling. “Eighty-six, sir.” I laughed. My face
hurt. He called me “sir” how the hell old did I look?
    “Thank you,” I told him.
    “You’re welcome. I’m honored,” the kid said. It was
nice to know that someone “honored” time with me. I thanked the doctor and the
nurses and then I walked…or maybe stumbled and limped, to the ambulance. They
took me to the nearest ER.
    I was given a bag of ice at the ER and put in a room
to wait. I kept looking at my phone, thinking about calling someone…but who
would I call? My dad wouldn’t give a shit. Lexi probably wouldn’t either and
poor Lydia would just get caught in the middle again. I stuck the phone back in
my pocket and continued to drown in my own misery the way I did everything
    A pleasant lady in pink scrubs came in and said,
“Well, what do we have here, a real cowboy?” I

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