Overwhelmingly Precious [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Overwhelmingly Precious [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams

Book: Overwhelmingly Precious [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
stopped moving she was breathless, her back coated with sweat, and her body limp with the need for completion. But she knew Wynn was the one really suffering. His cock was full and rigid inside her pussy and she knew he badly wanted to begin moving. She also guessed that it would take very little to set both Wynn and herself off, and it was grossly unfair to begin without Keelan being ready to participate fully.
    “I’m ready now, sweetheart. Shall we begin?” asked Keelan.
    “About fucking time. I’m dying here,” she replied. But she kept her voice light so they’d know she wasn’t really complaining.
    “You’re dying? I’m the one on the bottom of this pile of bodies,” teased Wynn.
    She was giggling as the two men pulled out of her, very slowly, and then she caught her breath as they pushed back in. It’d been totally carnal when they’d entered her one at a time. But when they did it together her entire body broke out in sweat. It was almost too intense an experience to bear.
    Quintana was leaning so hard on the bedding as they drove into her and withdrew only to push in again, that she thought her handprints would be permanently marking the bed linen. But she couldn’t help herself. The passion and intensity of the men was overwhelming her senses. The room was full of the smells of man, of sex, of sweat, and more faintly, of strawberry shampoo.
    It seemed to her as if every nerve ending in her body was a flame, a torch, a fire of all-consuming need. Combustion was only a heartbeat away.
    But then she realized she had power, too. Quintana lifted her head from Wynn’s chest and licked a line on his jaw. Already his chin was prickly with the start of his beard and the prickles were overlaid with a hint of salt from his sweat. She kissed his nose and tasted salt again. She lifted her right leg off the sheets, and dragged her toes up and down Keelan’s leg, hiding her delight as he groaned behind her.
    The men were pumping faster now, still in perfect unity with each other, drawing out and thrusting in. That’s when Quintana knew she had another weapon in her repertoire. She waited until they were fully inside her and gripped their cocks with her internal muscles, using all her strength.
    “Fucking hell, woman, what are you doing?” asked Wynn.
    Keelan just groaned even louder.
    Wynn dug his fingers into her shoulders and Keelan grabbed her hips tightly. They pulled out and slammed into her. The force of their stroke moved all their bodies several inches up the bed, and it caused an explosion deep inside her. The fires she’d been holding at bay grew to wildfire proportions and exploded through her body, sending her flying off the cliff into the strongest orgasm she’d ever known.
    Quintana went limp under its power, letting wave after wave of release roll through her. Mentally she pictured the waves as the ocean putting out the fire in her body, but it didn’t work like that, as everything still sparked and tingled inside her. Never had she experienced anything like that before. She wanted to say something but couldn’t frame the words, and anyway both men were holding her tightly their cocks releasing jets of cum into their condoms.
    Quintana relaxed. She’d think of something to say later, when her body recovered. If it ever did.
    * * * *
    Quintana had refused to go out with Keelan and Wynn for the next few days, insisting she had to put some serious time in at her stores. Wynn was back to pacing the floor again, so Keelan said to him, “I made something at the store. I’d like to show it to you.”
    Actually, like wasn’t the right word. He’d designed and made the ring himself, and would be devastated if Wynn or, more particularly, Quintana, didn’t like it. But he knew it was time to show it to Wynn. And besides, Wynn’s pacing was driving him insane and this was a good way to stop him.
    Wynn gave him a strange look, but nevertheless came with him out of the professional suites and

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