
Free Fixer-Upper by Meg Harding

Book: Fixer-Upper by Meg Harding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Harding
Tags: gay romance
his knee gently against Jake’s. “No offense, but you’re kind of a mess, and then you told me you’d just gotten out of a serious relationship. And then I got to witness said ex, which turned out to be ex-husband, pick a fight with you. Then there was the concussion.” He shrugged. “I wasn’t going to ask you out if you weren’t ready for it, and the timing never seemed right.”
    He wanted to be offended by that first part, but Jake knew it was true. He didn’t think he was any less of a mess currently, though. “Why say something now, then?”
    “Jasper told me if I didn’t say anything, you’d just continue to pine away without saying a word. I paid a little more attention after that and came to the conclusion I agree with him.” He cocked his head to the side. “Did you not know that I liked you?”
    Jake shook his head, physically unable to verbally answer. He was stunned. Dakota had liked him this whole time. Dakota had known Jake liked him this whole time. He didn’t know whether to be extraordinarily happy or to be peeved by the time lost.
    Reaching out, his fingers hovered near Jake’s face. “May I?”
    Jake nodded, staring wide-eyed at him. His heart pounded so hard he feared it legitimately might pound its way out of his chest. Dakota’s fingers were like ice against the hot skin of his flushed cheeks. Involuntarily he released a soft sigh, leaning into the gentle pressure as Dakota cupped his face.
    Jake couldn’t tell who leaned in first, all he knew was that a minute later, his lips were touching Dakota’s lips, and his heart felt like it was going to explode. Their knees bumped as Jake tried to scoot closer, the urge to crawl into Dakota’s lap a strong one. Dakota kept one hand on Jake’s waist, the other on the side of his face. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss, their noses brushing, his breath rushing over Jake’s lips as he released a heavy sigh.
    There was a little whimper, and in the back of his mind, Jake registered that the noise came from him. He probably should have been embarrassed, but he was too busy focusing on just how good Dakota’s lips felt against his. His hands were in Dakota’s long dark hair, finally getting to feel just how silky the strands really were. He pushed himself up a little, breathing heavy into their kiss. He nipped at Dakota’s lips, smiling when he felt more than heard Dakota laugh.
    He didn’t know how long they kissed for, just that he would have been completely fine if they’d never stopped. He scowled up at Dakota when he pulled away, tried to tug him back down by the grip in his hair. Dakota ducked down for a brief kiss, one that lasted all of a second before he pulled away again.
    “I like you,” said Dakota, putting a hand to Jake’s chest to keep him in place. The other hand, the one cupping his cheek, didn’t move. “I like you quite a lot. Didn’t really think I was being subtle about it, but okay.” His thumb swiped over Jake’s cheekbone. “Will you let me take you out?”
    HE TOOK him to the zoo. They left early on Saturday morning, both of them quiet with nerves, and headed into the city. Dakota drove, his fingers tapping the wheel along to the music on the radio. Jake sat silent beside him, thinking of a million things to say and saying none of them.
    Halfway through the drive, Dakota’s free hand grasped Jake’s, twining their fingers together and resting their hands on the shift. His large hand completely enveloped Jake’s like a warm blanket. They still didn’t speak, but Jake took a deep breath and relaxed into his seat.
    Dakota paid for them both when they got there, slipping the maps into his back pocket and once more claiming Jake’s hand as they headed into the zoo. They started at the front and worked their way around, fingers remaining entwined, shoulders bumping as they perused. Gradually they began to make comments, pointing out facts on the little information boards that they found

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