Butler Did It!
to Praslin to find
out where this Katherine Annenberg is staying and stake out her
room. I want you to insure that the island is contained. We can’t
have anyone rescuing your escaped intruder. If that boat is part of
a regular diving service, there could be dozens of witnesses in the
    “I don’t believe that’s the case, sir.
It’s a small boat and there is no evidence that more than one
person was aboard.”
    “Only a fool dives alone. There has to
be more than one person.”
    “We thought of that, too. But, all we
found aboard was a single set of reserve tanks. The boat also has
no facilities to refill tanks, so we estimate they have no more
than thirty minutes of air.”
    “Get rid of the boat. Without one, they
can’t get off the island, and it’s over twenty kilometers to the
nearest land.”
    “Yes Sir. Rest assured, we will find
the intruder and this Katherine Annenberg very soon.”
    “When you find them, have a talk with
them. You know what is at stake, Captain. I trust that you will
handle it appropriately. I want nothing to interfere with our
upcoming transaction.”
    “Yes Sir, I will deal with it,
    Captain Larson smiled to himself.
Although nothing direct had been said, he knew exactly what Xander
meant. Torture the information from the witnesses and then get rid
of them.
    “Sir, another ship is approaching the
area, I think we’re going to have to break off the search for
    “What ship is it?”
    “It’s called the Pelican, sir. It’s a
large white ship, with a two-tone dark blue and light blue
superstructure. It says Butler Project, on the side of
    “Hmmm, I’m familiar with Butler Marine
International, a big shipping company, lots of influence, but I’ve
never heard of the Butler Project. Better get out of there for
    “Yes sir.”
    “And send that underwater camera to me.
Also, Captain, I trust that you will deal with the crewmen who
allowed the intruder to escape in the first place.”
    “Aye, aye, Sir. I will take care of
    “See that you do, Captain. Xander
    Larson stared at the radiophone for a
few seconds in thoughtful contemplation. He knew he had lost favor
with his boss.
    Now the murderous bastard
wants a blood sacrifice. Xander expects me to punish two of my men
whose lapse in security allowed the stowaway to escape in the first
    Larson reflected on his problems and
then sighed heavily.
    Two men sacrificed, leaving
two fewer men to do a job that requires three times as many. At
this rate, I won’t have any crew left inside a week.
    Larson grunted and lurched out of his
    Very well then , he decided,
wiping his hands on his shirt. There will be two more passengers
onboard when the dive boat plunges to the bottom.
    Old timers fondly called it 'Magoo', a
nickname that harkened back to a previous generation. The
wet-behind-the-ears young punks called it 'the Rusty Duck', mostly
from its appearance. It didn’t matter much, since it was almost
completely unlike any duck in existence. This particular duck was a
vintage DUKW, the strange-looking amphibious truck invented during
    It was doing just what it was designed
to do nearly seventy years before. After negotiating the long
rollers and getting a bite into the sand flats at low tide, the 6
wheel drive DUKW climbed out of the water and up onto the dry sand
of the beach of Little Curieuse. Stopping near the trees and
mangroves at the center of the island, it disgorged a motley band
of happy people armed with coolers of beer, hampers of food, and
tubes of sun block. The crew of the Pelican was ready to enjoy
their first official shore leave in nearly three months.
    From a distance, the vehicle looked
like an aborted attempt to morph a boat into a 6x6 truck, losing
any grace and functionality, while retaining all the ugliness and
    Up close, its body was a color wheel of

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