Heal Me (A Touched Trilogy Book 2)

Free Heal Me (A Touched Trilogy Book 2) by Angela Fristoe

Book: Heal Me (A Touched Trilogy Book 2) by Angela Fristoe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Fristoe
gifts out in the open. There were always people willing to use you and a lot of times it was the people you least expected. But most of all, at that moment, with Micah staring down at me, I hated the fact that as soon as he knew, he’d treat me differently.
    At this point though, there was no stopping him from finding out. If Phoebe didn’t tell him, he’d just ask someone else and then the stories had the potential to get pretty crazy. Back in sixth grade, Andrew had told one of the younger kids I’d brought his dog back to life instead of just healing a small scratch and by the end of the day, the entire school was convinced I was bringing about a zombie apocalypse. It had taken years for the rumor to die down. Even now, I still got the occasional snarky moan.
    “My family is different,” I told him.
    “Our nanna always says we’ve been graced with special gifts.”
    “Gifts? And that means what?”
    “It means that we have special talents and can do things that other people can’t.”
    Micah’s eyebrows soared in a mixture of skepticism and humor. “So you’re like human pretzels or can tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue.”
    “No, that’s not what it means.” I rolled my eyes. “It means we can do paranormal things.”
    “So then what exactly can you guys do?” He was clearly struggling to hold in his laughter and I already regretted telling him.
    “Phoebe’s a Truth Teller, so she knows when someone is telling a lie.”
    “Uh huh, nice to have a gift that doesn’t require her to be able to prove anything unless someone is willing to admit their guilt,” he said, clearly skeptical. “So you and your sisters know if someone is lying. Great.”
    “No, only Phoebe can do that. Chloe can see the future.”
    “Really? Wouldn’t that kind of be like horoscopes being self-fulfilling prophecies? Once I know my future, won’t I gravitate towards choices that will make it happen?”
    “Never mind. Let’s just forget this whole conversation.”
    I started to walk away when Micah blocked my way. The half smile on his face had me itching to wipe it off.
    “What about you?” he asked.
    I stared at him and everything inside of me resisted the idea of telling him. His skepticism begged me to just let it go, to pretend that I was normal and that I was joking about all of it, but that would just make him more curious. I didn’t want to have to prove anything to him and I already knew he would eventually want me to. Everyone did.
    “I’m a healer.”
    What I saw in his eyes was a confirmation of everything that I knew would happen. Doubt warred with a sudden spark of interest inside of him, and if I stayed any longer, he would ask for proof. And I couldn’t do it, not when I was just about to get myself together.
    “I’ve gotta go,” I said and took off, practically running to get away. I needed to get ready for my next class. That was my excuse and I was sticking to it. It had absolutely nothing to do with the dread that Micah would want me to help someone in his family. I was simply consumed by the hope that I would make it to class on time.
    My hope vanished when I found Chloe leaning against the locker beside mine. Especially since she looked pissed.
    “Bianca told me you just broke up with Dylan in the cafeteria. What the hell is going on with you?” she demanded, pushing off the blue metal locker. “Why did you break up with him? You know you guys are going to be together. How could you not have told me? Was this why you switched it so you’d be partners with Micah?”
    “I tried telling you,” I said, breaking into what was surely an endless stream of questions I couldn’t and didn’t want to answer.
    “Lily, what is this about? I told you that you guys were gonna be fine. Christmas and prom, remember?” She had and her reminder of it was the final straw now.
    “Maybe I don’t want fine, Chloe. At least not with Dylan.”
    “Why not?” she asked with a

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