The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

Free The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) by Jenn Roseton

Book: The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) by Jenn Roseton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Roseton
hesitated. “So what are your plans now?”
    Ellie looked at Logan, then her father, before swinging her gaze to her mother. She hadn’t even thought about what would happen next. Now that Dad seemed okay, there was no longer a threat hanging over her, and she’d met her long lost mother, everything was over. Wasn’t it?
    She could return to her apartment in Virginia and try to enjoy what was left of her vacation, before returning to work.
    And never see Logan again.
    Disappointment flooded through her. She and Logan had barely gotten to know each other, and now it looked like she’d be leaving.
    She didn’t want to leave. Not yet.
    “I guess I’ll catch a flight home. And make an appointment with my doctor,” her father added reluctantly. “Katerina? What are your plans?”
    Ellie was surprised to see a faint blush steal over her mother’s cheeks. “I would like to get to know my daughter better.” She looked into Ellie’s eyes. “If she’ll allow me to.”
    Ellie found herself nodding. Although she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she had a mother who’d given her up in order to serve her country and who had just abdicated the throne, and was possibly still in love with her father, Ellie realized she would like to know her mother better, too.
    “Ellie’s welcome to stay here as long as she wants,” Logan said quietly.
    Ellie snapped her head around, studying the expression on his face. The offer seemed genuine. Did Logan merely feel sorry for her, or was it possible that he felt something for her? Don’t get your hopes up. He’s just being a friend.
    “Thank you,” she murmured. “Maybe I could stay a few more days?”
    A smile etched his face. “Sure.”
    Only the sound of her father clearing his throat brought her attention back to the matter at hand.
    “Well, it looks like everything’s settled.” Her dad turned to her mother. “Are you staying locally, Katerina?”
    “Yes. At the inn at Elk View Corner.”
    “That’s not too far from here,” Logan said.
    “No, and it is quite a charming drive,” her mother agreed.
    “I’ll follow you out.” Her father stood next to Katerina. “Perhaps we could have another cup of coffee at the inn and discuss …”
    “Yes, I’d like that.” Her mother smiled up at him.
    Ellie watched her parents’ exchange. Was it possible that they were rekindling their feelings for each other? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. On one hand, she’d be happy, because what child, no matter their age, doesn’t want their parents to be together? On the other hand, this was all so new, so raw, that she didn’t think she could entertain thoughts about a romance between her parents. Not yet, anyway.
    She hugged her father one last time, then turned to her mother. They both stepped awkwardly toward each other, then her mother kissed her on the cheek. “Tomorrow, Ellie? May I see you?”
    “Okay,” Ellie murmured aware that Logan stood behind her.
    He said goodbye to her parents and they walked them out to their vehicles. Ellie waved as first her mother, then her father’s cab drove back down the driveway.
    “Well.” Ellie turned to Logan. “I guess that was my parents.”
    “Yeah.” The expression on his face was close to the emotions swirling inside her: relief, hope, bemusement. “I guess so.”

    The rest of Ellie’s vacation on the ranch seemed to breeze by . She saw her mother a few more times, and each time her feelings of betrayal and anger slowly started to fade as she grew to know Katerina. Besides their coloring, Ellie discovered they had a lot in common. Her mother enjoyed painting and sketching as well, although she confessed she’d had no formal training. She’d admired Ellie’s quick sketches of the ranch and the horses, and they’d spent an enjoyable afternoon sketching the scenery.
    Their laugh was similar, too. The first time Ellie heard her mother laugh, she would have described it as

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