Miss Marianne's Disgrace

Free Miss Marianne's Disgrace by Georgie Lee

Book: Miss Marianne's Disgrace by Georgie Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgie Lee
London. The rest of the year was consumed with stories, bills and repairs. It was difficult to spend an hour wandering in the garden when he must toil to pay for it all. During the long, dark hours on the orlop deck, this was what he’d imagined, what he’d strived for and now he stretched to achieve it. He hoped it didn’t break him, the way his father’s dream of running a vicarage school had broken him.
    â€˜You could seek a loan,’ Mr Reed suggested as Warren held open the back door and waved Mr Reed inside. ‘To tide you over until you receive your advance.’
    â€˜No, I’ve never taken money from anyone before, I won’t start now. We can sell off some of the sheep.’
    â€˜With wool prices falling, it won’t gain us much.’
    â€˜At least we won’t have to spend money to feed them.’
    They strode down the long front hallway. Through the diamond-leaded front windows Warren caught sight of Lady Ellington’s carriage in the drive. He tugged open his slack cravat, then struggled to retie it, wondering if Miss Domville was with the Dowager. Last night, the memory of her flowery scent and the gentle tone of her voice had disturbed his sleep more than new story ideas.
    They entered his study and Warren settled himself at his desk while Mr Reed stood before it outlining expenditures. As soon as he was finished with Mr Reed, he’d join the ladies and discover what Miss Domville thought of his manuscript. Perhaps he could convince her to play for him again and inspire another story. He needed more inspiration, especially with Mr Reed rattling on about expenses.
    â€˜You can’t afford to invest any additional money in Mr Hirst, beyond what you recently advanced him,’ Mr Reed cautioned. ‘We’ve yet to see any profit from his ventures or even documents outlining your shares.’
    Warren organised a stack of papers on his desk. ‘I don’t intend to give him any more.’
    â€˜Then you’d better tell him. I heard from one my associates in London he’s using your name to push his current venture. You must distance yourself from it in case it fails. You don’t want to be blamed.’
    â€˜I’ll write to him at once and make it clear he’s not to use me as an endorsement.’ The bumbling fool. It seemed Rupert’s current scheme was already faltering, and taking Warren’s money with it. He should have known better and not allowed emotion to play any part in his business dealings. It wouldn’t happen again.
    Mr Reed opened his thin lips to say something else when the study door slid open with a bang.
    Warren peered around the slender man of affairs to find Boudicca herself standing beneath the lintel in the very appealing figure of Miss Domville. So much for avoiding her until his interview with Mr Reed was complete.
    â€˜If you’ll excuse us, Mr Reed,’ Warren asked.
    Mr Reed flipped closed his ledger and tucked it under his arm, needing no explanation for why he should go. It was clear in the storm in Miss Domville’s eyes. ‘Yes, of course.’
    He slipped from the room, leaving Warren alone to face the fury.
    â€˜Good day, Miss Domville, it’s a pleasure to see you.’ Almost too pleasurable. She marched up to him, her breasts covered by a sheer chemisette and the thin silk of her gown. It was all Warren could do to rise from his chair like a gentleman and keep his eyes fixed above her chin. Damn, she was beautiful, earthy and angry. ‘I’d hoped to see you today.’
    â€˜Good, because we must discuss this.’ She slammed his journal on the desk, making a stack of papers curl up, then settle back down. ‘How could you use my story?’
    He stared at the slightly rumpled pages. ‘You didn’t like it?’
    â€˜No, it’s a wonderful story, quite enthralling.’ She leaned forward on her palms. He riveted his eyes to hers to keep his

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