As Seen on TV

Free As Seen on TV by Sarah Mlynowski

Book: As Seen on TV by Sarah Mlynowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Mlynowski
“Depending on experience.”
    “I’m looking for fifty. I have the experience.”
    “You don’t have Manhattan experience, but I think you’ll work out fine. Forty-five.” He smiles, showcasing gold fillings. “When can you start?”
    Is that a job offer? Or a casual question? I take another sip of coffee to try to appear calm and normal and not as though his every word has the power to alter the course of my life. “I…um…I’d have to give two weeks notice. And then I’d like a week to move and organize myself. So if I give notice immediately I could start in three weeks.”
    “Good. Then I’ll see you in three weeks.”
    That was an offer. I just got an offer. I squeeze the metal rim of the ketchup-stained table in excitement. “Really?”
    “Really. I’ll have all the paperwork drawn up and at your office by Wednesday morning.”
    “Thank you,” I say, overwhelmed with gratitude. Ronald pays the bill, shakes my hand and then makes a run for his golf game. “We’ll be in touch,” he says, and disappears outside.
    The bathroom door flies open and the toilet hog sashays through the restaurant. I notice that a woman in a beige suit is slowly rising from her seat, eyeing the open door, about to make a run for it.
    I hurl myself to the empty stall before the suit-clad woman beats me to it. Since I’m far closer, I get there first and lock the door behind me. In my hurry, I almost trip on my de-strapped shoes, but in midfall I catch myself on the sink.
    I might be a direct offspring of the goddess of agility.
    Two minutes later, while still cramped in the stall, I decide that I’m going to surprise Steve and drop by Manna to say goodbye. I still have some time before I have to catch my flight. I undo the bun in my hair—wet and scrunch it becauseSteve likes it down and sexy, and then rummage in my purse for my lipstick to smooth out my lips.
    There’s a knock on the bathroom door.
    “I’m in here!” I scream while doing up my shoes.
    Funny, there’s never a rush when you’re on the inside, is there?
    “I did it,” I tell Steve.
    “That was quick. It’s only nine-ten.” His morning voice is raspy and sexy and I wish I were lying next to him instead of back in my office with the door closed.
    “I wanted to give Liza the full two weeks notice.”
    “How’d she take it?”
    “She was pissed. Told me I screwed her or something. But she would have said that no matter how much notice I gave. I want some time off to move. I don’t want my last day here to be a Tuesday, the trucks come Tuesday night, and I start at Soda Star 9:00 a.m. Wednesday.” I kick my feet up on the desk and swivel in my chair, executive style. I love my chair. I hope Soda Star has good chairs. Really, a proper, comfortable turbo chair makes all the difference in one’s performance.
    “Congrats on your unemployment. I still can’t believe you got a job on your first try. Have you heard anything more from Ronald McDonald?”
    After Ronald Newman’s cheeseburger appreciation, Steve has named my future boss after his favorite so-not-kosher hamburger joint. “Not yet. He said tomorrow, I think. Okay, gotta go. I have to give my thirty days notice at my apartment.” I estimate the discussion with Jocelyn, the superintendent, will take at least a half hour. She’s a talker.
    By later Tuesday morning I’ve given Jocelyn notice (“New York! How exciting! Good for you! Can we show your place tonight? The rental market is fantastic these days. Do you know—”), e-mailed all my friends and acquaintances about thefurniture I’m trying to sell, with digital pictures included, and placed an ad for my car in the weekend classifieds.
    I am a goddess of efficiency.
    “But you didn’t hear from Ronald McDonald?” Steve asks me on the phone that night as I turn my lights out, crawl into bed, and recount my excellent organizational skills, the portable phone balanced on my shoulder.
    “I’m sure he’ll send me

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