The Blue Rose

Free The Blue Rose by Esther Wyndham

Book: The Blue Rose by Esther Wyndham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Esther Wyndham
Tags: Harlequin Romance 1967
than to seek advice from such an experienced older woman? But all the same she felt chagrined, and some of her self-confidence which she needed so badly ebbed away. So far it had been an awful day. How she longed to feel his arms round her. Everything would be all right when once she was in his arms again.
    In the car he put his hand on her knee and said: “I suppose I mustn’t untidy you by kissing you ... It will have to wait till afterwards.”
    “It seems such a long time since I have seen you.”
    “It is—much too long. But it’s only another nine days now and then I shall have you all to myself for always. I’m finding this engagement rather a trial. I never thought it would be like this. One seems to be more or less public property.”
    “You’re not regretting it?” she asked anxiously.
    “No, my love, but I resent it a little ... I suppose you wouldn’t consider slipping away to a register office with me to-morrow?”
    Her heart leapt. “Oh, I would.”
    “Just the two of us. Tell nobody. Save all the fuss and bother. Our love is such a very private thing. I find all these public congratulations most tiresome and rather indecent. What is it to do with anybody but you and me that we love each other? Just let’s slip off to-morrow and get married without telling anyone. We needn’t change the arrangements for our honeymoon. We’ll simply have an extra honeymoon at home before we start off.”
    She was tremendously tempted. “But can one go off and get married just like that?” she asked doubtfully. “One can’t get married quickly like that in church, anyway, can one? Our banns are still being read.”
    “Yes, one can. You simply apply for a common licence which is granted while you wait, and then so long as you marry in your own parish and find a vicar and two witnesses you can be married without any delay.”
    She thought of Francie and of the lovely wedding dress which was not finished yet and which she was so longing for him to see her in. “I’m afraid Francie would be very hurt,” she said. “She’s arranged this reception for us, and all the invitations have gone out ...”
    “Yes, I expect you’re right. We mustn’t hurt Francie ... By the way, a lot more presents have come. I seem to spend my whole day at the bank writing thank-you letters.” She knew he was disappointed and she wondered whether she had made a mistake. Was it really Francie she was thin king of or that lovely shimmering dress? No, surely it must be better to wait from every point of view. It was only another nine days, as he had said. It wasn’t worth the chance of hurting or disappointing anyone just to gain nine more days when for the rest of their lives they were going to be together.
    “You weren’t at the bank much this morning,” she said.
    “No, I’m a trustee for innumerable settlements and it so happened that two urgent matters cropped up this morning and I had to dash out and consult with my co-trustees. One woman whose trust I look after wanted to sell out some of her capital to buy a house and we had to decide whether it would be a prudent investment—and in the other case we had to make a switch of some shares because the people concerned were going abroad. I don’t think people realize the work it entails when they ask you to become a trustee—that is, if you’re at all conscientious. I seem to be a sort of ‘natural’ as a trustee.”
    “That’s because everyone trusts you so and because you’re so wonderful at business,” she said. It always fascinated her when he talked about his business life. He lived in a world she knew so little about.
    He laughed shortly. “In my next life I hope that I shall look a little less trustworthy.”
    She felt out of tune with him. It was dreadful to have to begin this important evening without being in complete accord and yet there was no time to say more, for they had arrived at their destination.
    Rose was not really shy at meeting all his

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