Kyle's Return
his bike, he handed me a helmet and
slipped his own over his head. I planned on doing the same, but
then stopped when I got a good look at what was on it. The helmet
was black, but when you turned it into the sun it shimmered like
rainbow-filled diamonds. But that wasn’t what had me mesmerized. It
was the design itself that appeared in the sun.
    “Kyle, what is this?” I asked in awe.
    He took off his helmet and a mischievous grin spread
across his face. “Do you recognize something?”
    “Oh my God,” I gasped as I ran my fingers over the
helmet. “The design . . . How is this possible?” It was of a
picture I’d taken long ago.
    “When you stepped out of the living room the other
day, I took a picture of the photographs you have on your wall.” He
ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know, there was something
about that one that reminded me of you. Anyway, I had it designed
    My eyes burned. “Thank you,” I murmured. “It’s
    “You’re welcome,” he said, taking it from me. He
started to put it over my head, but I stepped back. “Wait, I forgot
something. Give me one second.”
    He nodded and I took off toward the door. When I
opened it, Nic was walking down the hall and slammed into the wall
when I rushed past. “Whoa, slow down,” she laughed.
    In my room, I found exactly what I needed. Snatching
it up, I gently placed it in my bag and grabbed a change of clothes
to throw in as well. I wanted to be prepared in case I didn’t come
home at the end of the night. Who was I kidding? I didn’t want to
come back. Rushing out of my room, Nic glanced down at my bag and
grinned wide.
    “Is that what I think it is in there?”
    I ran past her, laughing. It was way past time I got
my life back on track. “You’re damn right it is.”


    “I’M TOO STUFFED to move,” I grumbled as we
walked out of the pizza shop.
    Kyle put his arm around me and chuckled. “I know the
feeling. You up for a movie or do you want to walk the Strip?”
    I looked down at my bag and smiled. “Let’s walk the
Strip. There’s something I’ve been dying to do.”
    Since we weren’t near the heart of Vegas, we jumped
back on his bike. There were cars everywhere, but Kyle maneuvered
us through the gaps and got us there in record time. Heart
pounding, I blew out a shaky breath and got off the bike.
    “You okay?” he asked.
    I took off my helmet and handed it to him. He placed
it in a duffle along with his own and slung the bag over his
shoulder. “Yeah, just glad to be alive. You scared the shit out of
    He chuckled. “It was fun and you know it. Now what do
you have in that bag of yours?”
    Smiling, I pulled out the case in my bag and opened
it up. “It’s something I haven’t used in years.” My camera stared
back at me and my fingers itched to touch it. Taking a deep breath,
I reached in and pulled it out. “I thought maybe it was time I
tried again.”
    He followed beside me as I took pictures of the
lights and the iconic hotels, secretly taking pictures of him in
the process. “So what brought this on?”
    I turned my camera to him and took his picture.
    “Me? How so?” Putting his arm around my shoulders, I
let my camera rest on the strap around my neck so I could hold my
arm around his waist.
    “You’ve made me feel things again I never thought
possible,” I admitted truthfully.
    “Does this mean you’re not going to hide our
    We stopped in front of the Bellagio where the light
show lit up the sky. It was beautiful and I’d always wanted to take
pictures of it. Kyle leaned against the rail and I took another
picture. “I’m here with you aren’t I? I’m not hiding anything.” I
walked up to him and held up the camera. “Now smile. I want a
picture of us.” I snapped the picture and it turned out perfect
with the fountain lights as the backdrop. What made it even better
was Kyle’s seductive smirk.
    “So if Tyler

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