The Gypsy Blessing

Free The Gypsy Blessing by Wendi Sotis

Book: The Gypsy Blessing by Wendi Sotis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Sotis
years, with quite a few words of compliment towards her parents and the estate in general mixed in.
    Before too long, Wickham said, “I am terribly sorry, ladies. I would much prefer spending all day in your company, but I have a previous engagement and must be on my way.”
    At a silent prompt from Mrs. Younge, Georgiana asked, “Are you available to dine with us whilst you are staying at Ramsgate?”
    “If it would not be inconvenient, I am free this evening.”
    Georgiana glanced at Mrs. Younge’s slight nod and replied, “Of course, it would be no inconvenience.”
    The invitation secured, Wickham turned away from Georgiana to bid farewell to Mrs. Younge, including a wink, carefully timed so that the younger lady would not see.
    When he turned back to Georgiana, he captured her eyes with a practiced, smouldering gaze which left her breathless. Taking her hand, his thumb brushed across her knuckles as he said in a low, husky voice, “It pains me to leave you after such an agreeable visit, Miss Darcy. My only consolation is that I will see you again this evening. You have blossomed into an exceptionally lovely young lady. Your brother must be very proud!”
    Watching Wickham bow low over her hand, Georgiana was not sure whether she was more relieved or disappointed when he did not press her hand to his lips. A moment later, Georgiana watched closely as he swaggered from the room.
    Quite forgotten was the letter Georgiana had begun writing to her brother, and her wish to see Mrs. Gardiner and the Bennet ladies was pushed from her awareness. She seemed to float in a cloud of happiness for the remainder of the morning and well into the afternoon—her only thought was that he had noticed that she was no longer a child!
    So distracted was she that she did not perceive Mrs. Younge’s small smile of satisfaction and the sparkle in her eyes as she thought of what an easy success she and her partner had accomplished thus far.
    Later that day, Georgiana sought out her companion. “Mrs. Younge,” Georgiana began, her voice trembling slightly, “is it entirely proper to have invited Mr. Wickham to dine, do you think?”
    Mrs. Younge pursed her lips and furrowed her brow unhappily, making Georgiana all the more nervous. “Tell me again how things were in the past between Mr. Wickham and your family.”
    “Mr. Wickham was the son of my father’s dear friend and steward; therefore, the son had been welcomed to come and go from the main house freely. He had been included in all of my brother’s lessons and was always involved in Fitzwilliam’s leisure time activities, as well. Mr. Wickham had accompanied Fitzwilliam at university, and the two young men shared an apartment there.”
    “Would you consider him a member of the family?” Mrs. Younge asked.
    Georgiana cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. “Although he was not in any way related to me, my father did treat Mr. Wickham almost as if he had been a second son.”
    “Well, then, it is my opinion that, since you do have a chaperone, it cannot be wrong to invite a man who had always been treated as if he were a member of the Darcy family to dine at a Darcy household. In fact, I am sure your brother would be proud that you should extend such hospitality to Mr. Wickham.”
    Georgiana replied brightly. “Thank you, Mrs. Younge. I feel much better now.”
    When Mr. Wickham arrived, he appeared uncommonly handsome and refined in his blue coat. His behaviour was so charming and attentive towards her that Georgiana could not but think him perfect in every way. Throughout the evening, she had found it difficult to breathe whenever he looked at her in a certain way and could not help but hope this was proof that he was as enamoured with her as she had always been with him.
    During the final course, Wickham told an amusing story about an adventure he had shared with her brother when they were young. Through her laughter, Georgiana said, “Oh, I do wish

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