Dirtier Than She Appears
    Alex Hunter
    Copyright 2015 Alex Hunter
    Smashwords Edition,
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is written for adults only. It contains explicit,
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    It always makes me laugh when someone thinks
they can tell the freakiness of a woman based solely on her looks.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some women that advertise their
sluttiness loud and clear, with tattoos everywhere and skimpy
outfits. But there are plenty of other sluts out there too, hiding
behind a cute face and a conservative outfit, just waiting to be
found out.
    In my experience, (which is pretty damn
extensive, by the way) these “closet sluts” seem to end up being
even freakier and more perverted than their more obvious
counterparts. I’m not sure if it’s true or not, perhaps there is
some level of expectations being exceeded that comes into play, but
for some reason, when the cute little blonde with an innocent face
and wide eyes wearing a virginal white dress turns out to be a
slut, she ends up being more perverted than usual.
    Take Wendy, for example.
    She was browsing the fiction aisle at a
bookstore when I saw her, taking her time, looking at crime novels.
After picking up the book I came in for, I wandered over towards
her, attracted, as I always was, by something about her. It wasn’t
anything I could put my finger on, nothing conscious, but I’d
always had a nose for sluts and had learned to trust me instincts.
They rarely led me astray.
    And they certainly didn’t in this case.
    After a few innocent comments about what we
liked to read and what we could recommend to each other, we started
getting a little more personal. Before long we were discussing
issues that were wholly inappropriate for the aisles of a bookstore
in the middle of the afternoon.
    After a good ten minutes of hanging out,
Wendy asked me if I wanted to come over to her place for a cup of
coffee. I, of course, accepted. So we paid for our books and I
followed her home.
    Once we were there she didn’t waste any time
on particulars. Immediately after we entered her apartment, Wendy
closed the door behind us, then slipped her dress off, right there
in the living room. I wasn’t shocked to see that she didn’t have a
bra on underneath, but I was a little surprised that she wasn’t
wearing any panties.
    “ They just get in the
way,” she said when I asked her about it.
    I laughed and shook my head. I’d known that
underneath the innocent façade she was a slut, but I hadn’t
realized how big of one. This was going to be even better than I’d
    Wendy had a pretty good body, nothing
spectacular but certainly nothing to scoff at. Pale skin, small but
perky tits, a pretty flat stomach, nice legs. Not exactly a sexy
woman, but cute as a button, and from the looks of things
absolutely no shame whatsoever, which was by far the most important
thing as far as I was concerned.
    “ Do you like what you
see?” Wendy asked, spinning her body around, giving me a good look
at her cute little butt.
    “ You’re fucking
incredible,” I said as I undid my zipper and pulled my cock out. It
wasn’t rock hard yet but it was quickly getting there. “What about
you? Do you like what you see?”
    “ Very much so,” Wendy
said. “Although I’m not gonna lie. It’s bigger than I

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