The McGilley Trilogy

Free The McGilley Trilogy by B. J. Wane

Book: The McGilley Trilogy by B. J. Wane Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. J. Wane
Tags: Erótica
unbuckled his leather belt and pulled it off before folding it over. The widening shock of her eyes would have been comical if it wasn’t accompanied by a hint of fear.
    A shiver of apprehension ran through her as she eyed his belt and for the first time, Kayla wondered if she hadn’t been too rash in her pursuit of this man. Taking a quick glance around the meadow, she confirmed what she already knew, they were all alone out here.
    “Um, Brett…”
    “All you have to do is say stop, Kayla, and I’ll stop immediately. You have my word,” was all the reassurance he was going to give her. In truth, it would probably be for the best if she called a stop to this before he fucked her again. As much as he wanted her, as hard as his cock was with the need to bury himself in her again, he was still determined to send her on her way without any intention of seeing her again.
    Kayla allowed her gaze to move from the granite determination on his face down to where his cock jutted out of his jeans, the flared purple head looking hungry for relief, the small slit oozing his precious fluid in preparation to fuck. There was no way he could deny he wanted her, that he was as aroused as she was and that fact gave her the confidence she needed to continue.
    With a simple nod of her head, she agreed to continue before lowering her head once again and bracing herself for the feel of his belt. The first strike of leather on her sensitive skin was surprisingly light, enough to elicit a small sting that faded quickly, leaving her aching for more. The next was only marginally harder, the sting a little sharper but faded just as quickly.
    Moaning, she shifted her hips, aching for something, but unsure of what. Her buttocks felt swollen, achy and warm, a feeling that was reciprocated in her pussy, but it wasn’t enough. When he did nothing but continue with the light snaps of leather, she groaned in frustration, “Brett, I need something more. Help me, please.” She would be humiliated by her pleading if she wasn’t so desperate for release.
    “No longer afraid, little one?” Brett asked as he stroked his cock in his fist to help relieve some of the frustrating pressure he also was feeling. Now that he had her primed, he could finally give her the swats he had wanted to lay on her from the first.
    She cried out as the belt landed across the middle of her ass with more pressure, the snap against her bare flesh echoing in the clearing along with her whimpers. Another stroke had her gasping and the copious juices dripping from her pussy to dampen her thighs as she shifted her upturned hips enticingly. A third on the under curve of her buttocks had her biting her lip and the fourth much softer stroke between her legs had her screaming.
    The harder strokes took Kayla right to the brink, but it was the shocking sting of the leather connecting with the softer, more sensitive flesh of her pussy that sent her over. Her orgasm burst without any slow build up, a fast, all-encompassing explosion of pleasure that shook her to the core and left her boneless with relief. Before she could assimilate what just happened, Brett was gripping her hips in his hard hands and thrusting into her still spasming sheath, that first stroke igniting another response from her with a swiftness that roused her from her sated stupor.
    Her fast climax when he snapped his belt against her pussy had taken Brett by surprise as he suspected it did her. That she was so responsive to his dominant erotic discipline was only going to make it harder to keep away from her, but he was just as determined to let her go after this as he now was to fuck her. Sinking into her still clutching vagina in one deep stroke, he shuddered in both pleasure and shock as he realized he didn’t have a condom with him.
    “God damn it, Kayla. I don’t have any protection with me.” As he made to withdraw from her, she clamped her silky inner walls around his shaft, making him shudder in longing and

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