Too Close
and his hands trembled as he stroked her sides, her hips. She was soft and warm, and all things womanly. But his control was weak.  
    Vanessa shifted beneath him, spreading her legs so that he was cradled between her thighs, her hands roaming over his back and ass, trailing heat in their path as she writhed beneath him.  
    “Vanessa?” His breath caught in his throat.    
    A small hand wrapped around his cock and pulled a groan from low in his belly. Her thumb ran over the sensitive head and he reared back, but she wrapped her legs around his waist and guided him to her entrance.  
    “Now, Kane,” she whispered. “I don’t want to wait any longer. Love me now.”  
    Kane’s growl vibrated through the room as he thrust forward and slid home. A gasp escaped her and a small orgasm rippled through her insides.
    “Oh God,” he moaned, his muscled trembling and he held himself frozen above her.  
    Vanessa laughed as joy filled her. She might only get one night with this man in her bed, but it was worth it. He was so passionate and caring. So loving.  
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss. When he pulled away enough to rest his forehead against hers they were both panting. She tightened her inner muscles and he groaned again. “You’re going to kill me woman.”
    “No.” Her tongue darted out and licked at his bottom lip. “I’m going to love you.”  
    Eyes locked with his, she let all her secrets show as she braced her feet on the bed and undulated beneath him. “Love me back, Kane.”
    His head dropped and he kissed her as he withdrew, then thrust deeply again. At first he was slow and steady, the sensual rub of their tongues matching the slow seduction of their bodies, but their breathing got heavier, their bodies more demanding. Soon they were slick with sweat, his moans and her sighs of pleasure creating a music that only they would ever hear.  
    Her sighs turned to mewls and her insides tightened around him. “Kane, now, come with me.”
    She looked into his eyes and fell over the edge into the swirling light that waited, knowing that he was right there with her.

    She must’ve fallen asleep. She didn’t remember climbing beneath the covers, but she was snuggled deep with Kane’s body at her back and his arms around her. She closed her eyes in the dim room and listened for what had woken her up.
    There it was, a faint beeping.
    She pulled away from Kane, pleased when he tried to fight letting go of her in his sleep. “Kane, wake up. I think that’s your phone.”
    His body jerked awake. “My phone?”
    “Yeah, listen.”
    They were still for a minute and it sounded again. “Shit.” He crawled over her and snatched his pants up from the floor by the end of the bed. He read the text glowing on the   screen and cursed again.  
    Vanessa admired the view as he climbed from the bed and started to dress. When he bent down to kiss her good bye the look in his eyes made her heart stutter. “What? Kane what is it?”
    “Something new in the Risqué Robber case.” He pressed his lips to hers fast and hard. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he said as he walked out the door.


    The sun was shining bright and Vanessa was going quietly stir crazy when she heard the warning rumble of the charger pull into her driveway.
    Shit, was he back to arrest her? What had happened? Was it possible they’d found her backpack? No way. She’d driven all the way out to the dump to get rid of it. Why would they even look there?
    Footsteps marched up her steps and the door swung open. He hadn’t even knocked. At least he was alone. He kicked the door shut behind him and strode into the room.  
    “What!?” She yelped when he bent low and swung her up into his arms. He strode down the short hallway to her bedroom, grinning from ear to ear the whole time.  
    “We arrested the Risqué Robber last night.”  
    He stood over her bed and dropped her

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