A Faerie Fated Forever
I told the elders and the MacIvers that I would give her my decision in the garden after dinner. She will see me kissing the other woman and take that as an answer,” Nial requested, wrinkling his brow at his friend's odd expression. Had he sprouted wings? Why did the other man look at him like he'd turned into a fairy godmother?
    Calum gaped, slack-jawed, unable to speak for a long moment
    “Will you help me?” Maclee demanded. "I need words, here."
    "Of course. I��ll be glad to,” Calum said when his jaw tightened enough for him to speak and even for him to sprout the broadest grin he'd ever worn. "Sorcha and I will see you before dinner and I'm willing to bet she'll be raring to go."
    Several hours later, Nial found himself strangely nervous as he stood in the blue sitting room awaiting the dinner guests. Calum arrived with the widow who looked like sex on two feet. Sorcha was garbed in a fiery red gown cut so low it barely concealed her nipples.Walking over to greet her, he raised her fingers to his lips and gave them a teasing flick of his tongue as he asked, “Do I understand that you have agreed to assist me with my little drama after dinner?”
    “Indeed I have, Nial. Anything to send the little mouse scurrying away. This should certainly do that,” she said, openly catty.
    His eyes shot fire at her characterization of Heather, but given the part she was to play tonight he could hardly argue with her now. Dangerous as it might be, he would have to tolerate her outrageous conduct on this singular occasion. Calum passed him a goblet filled with red wine, and Nial thanked him absently, his mind already far from dinner. He was envisioning tomorrow when he would have the freedom to find his dream. As he sipped at the wine, he caught a couple of strangely amused glances dart between the other two, but before he had a chance to grill either of them Heather entered the room.
    As usual, she looked like a disaster. This time, the sack she wore was of a singularly unattractive shade of lime green, with a bonnet of the same hue. Still, he walked over to greet her, and noticed that the skin on her forearms was a little pink, as though she had been out in the sun.
    Heather had spent hours wondering what Nial would say to her. Surely he must have figured out by now that it had been she at the loch. His first words dispelled that notion.
    “Have you been out in the sun, lass?” He asked, teasingly.
    “I took a rather long walk today and fear I managed to get a bit more sunshine than I bargained for,” she said, aware that she had gotten more than she bargained for and less than she expected.
    Glancing at the bronzed tone of her natural complexion, he said, “I am surprised that you suffer much from exposure to the sun.”
    “Generally I do not. However today I had a great deal more sun that normal,” she said, then wished she had thought before speaking. She didn’t want him to know it was her did she? That was the very reason she hid from him in the first place. The man was just so attractive, standing there in his navy and green kilt that he interfered with her normally well reasoned thought processes. The navy of the kilt was an exact match for the Maclee blue of his eyes and Nial always looked devastatingly attractive in it, but then again, surely he knew that. Heather had no doubt that women told him so all the time.
    Sorcha strolled over to join the conversation, again laying that annoyingly possessive hand on his arm. She brought another goblet of wine, and he looked down, surprised to find his empty. He didn’t recall drinking it.
    She took his empty goblet, handing him the full one and stepped behind Heather and leaned over to put the empty one on the sideboard. The movement displaced the neckline of her dress for a moment, and bared her right breast entirely. Nial’s eyes were glued to the sight, and he realized that he was becoming physically affected by it. She winked and stared pointedly at his crotch

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