
Free Endgame by Kristine Smith

Book: Endgame by Kristine Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristine Smith
against her, and he’s a reasonable man. Most of the pundits are predicting he’ll beat her.”
    â€œThat’s three months. A hell of a lot can happen between now and then.” Jani swallowed hard as John’s coffee took up where the aroma of the curry had left off. She set down her cup, then rose and headed for the door. “I need to see Tsecha before I meet with John’s lawyers.”
    â€œI’ll go with you.” Val hurried after her. “At least part of the way. I need to walk. Cooped up on a ship for six weeks with—” He stood aside so Jani could precede him through the door, then hesitated. “This isn’t like I thought it would be, to say the least.” He stepped out into the corridor, glancing up as though he feared the ceiling might fall on him. “I envisioned a nice, relaxed visit. Dinners in little out-of-the-way places, capped off by dancing and plate smashing. Maybe some sailracing during the day. Then one day, Li Cao calls me, and it all falls apart, bit by bit.” He quieted until they entered the lift and the door closed. “I have…some explaining to do.” He tried for a weak grin, but managed only a wince. “I tried to work up the nerve after lunch, but His Highness sent me out of the room.”
    Jani shook her head. “Not now, Val.”
    â€œIf I don’t tell you now, I’ll lose my nerve.” He stepped aside so she could exit the lift first, then fell behind her as they cut across the central courtyard and through a series of demirooms separated by aquaria and low screens.
    Jani waited until they departed the Main House and rounded the vast rear yard. “Val?”
    â€œI think I’m losing it. My nerve.” He dragged off his suit jacket and slung it over his shoulder. “Dammit.” He stopped at the top of the cliff road and looked out over the water. “It’s so beautiful here. Hotter than fucking hell, but—” He ran a hand across his brow, already dotted with sweat. “But everything beautiful has a price, doesn’t it?” His eyes brimmed. “I’m sorry.”
    Jani waited until Val cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. “Want me to tell you what happened? You can nod orshake your head at suitable intervals, and it will be like you never really said anything at all.”
    â€œYou think you know all the words to this one, do you?” Val started down the road, his step slowing as the soles of his dress shoes slid on the gravel.
    â€œIn several languages.” Jani tried to study him without seeming to. He kept his eyes fixed on the road, braced for the words he didn’t want to hear. “First verse—Lucien started hanging around your flat after I left Chicago to return to John. His pretexts were feeble at best. Some bit of news from one of the ministries, or a rumor he’d heard at Sheridan. Being a man of the world, you saw through his act immediately, even felt irritated by his lack of subtlety. But even though you knew he was trying to play you, you just couldn’t make yourself send him on his way. He had a connection to me, and he offered all the right responses when you railed against John, which I’m sure you did at least a few times or you wouldn’t count as a living, breathing being.” She looked away as Val’s face reddened, allowing him an illusion of privacy. “Besides, he’s just so damned decorative. You did once tell me that you could watch him all day.”
    Val snorted, denying the inevitable even as he worked closer to admitting to it. “He’s not the first good-looking boy to stake me out.”
    â€œNo, but he’s the best-trained. He’s an assassin, Val. Gauging the victim is what he does.” Jani held up two fingers. “Second verse—after you got used to his coming around regularly, he pulled back. Stayed away for a week or two at a time, then turned up with

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