Free THE GREEK'S TINY MIRACLE by Rebecca Winters

Book: THE GREEK'S TINY MIRACLE by Rebecca Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Winters
Tags: Romance
he divorced her and put the whole ghastly affair behind him. But there’d been a heavy emotional price to pay, and the divorce had cost him a great deal of money, which Nikos insisted on funding from his own savings account. It was the least he could do for his friend.
    After the agony Nikos had seen Kon go through when he’d realized he’d been deceived, the possibility that Stephanie was lying, too, gutted him. He didn’t honestly know what to believe.
    Short of making love to Stephanie to learn if she was truly pregnant, which wasn’t a viable option for too many reasons to consider right now, he could phone her doctor. Yet somehow that idea was repugnant to him.
    The only sure thing to do was wait for physical signs of her pregnancy. In order to do that, he would have to keep her close for the time being.
    When Nikos thought back to their first meeting, he recalled he’d been the aggressor. Unlike her friends, who worked at a local hotel in Crystal River, Stephanie had done nothing to come on to him. While they’d flirted with him, she’d kept her distance and been totally serious about diving.
    It turned out they didn’t have her skills and snorkeled only part of each day. Oftentimes they preferred to laze on the beach and go shopping in town. Not Stephanie. Quite the opposite, in fact, which was why he’d asked her if she’d be willing to be his diving partner for the duration. He’d felt her reluctance when she’d said yes, but it was obvious she loved the sport and couldn’t go diving without a partner.
    Scuba diving wasn’t for everyone, but she was a natural. Together they’d experienced the euphoria of discovering the underwater world. Besides her beauty, there was an instant connection between them as they’d signaled each other to look at the wonders exploding with color and life around each gully and crevice.
    When they’d had to surface, he hadn’t wanted it to end, and had asked her to eat dinner with him. She’d turned down his first invitation, but the second time she’d agreed. That’s when he’d learned she’d grown up along Florida’s Nature Coast. She’d learned to scuba dive early with her mother. After college she’d gone to work for a water tour company that took tourists scalloping and swimming with the manatees. It explained her prowess beneath the waves.
    If he was truly the only man she’d been with, then her news represented a miracle. Nikos was sterile now, the hope of ever having a child from his own body having gone up in flames during the explosion.
    Yet he could feel no joy if she’d set him up—no elation that a deceitful woman would be the mother of his child. If indeed he was the father...
    But what if you are, Vassalos?
    Think about it.
    Your own flesh and blood could be growing inside Stephanie. The only son or daughter you’ll ever have.
    More thoughts bombarded him.
    After his last mission he’d hoped to resign his commission and go after her, marry her. What if she truly was innocent of every charge, and he’d totally misread the situation? If that was the case, then one misstep on his part could hurt her emotionally and damage any chance at real happiness, with their baby on the way.
    He got up from the lounger and walked over to the railing, watching the moonlight on the water. His training as a SEAL had taught him that you had to set up your perimeter and have everything in place before you mounted an assault. This time Stephanie was the target. Unfortunately, after leaving her behind, he’d unwittingly planted an almost impenetrable field of land mines and booby traps that would destroy him if he wasn’t careful.
    If his suspicions about her were correct—that she’d calculated every move since meeting him at the resort, in order to trap him—it meant maneuvering through them with surgical precision while he waited to see if she was pregnant, then awaited the DNA results.
    How would he begin making it up to her if he was wrong?
    In retrospect,

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