The Reckoning

Free The Reckoning by Kate Allenton

Book: The Reckoning by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
side.” She dropped her head and shook it. “Can this day get any worse?”
    Mike walked over to her, put his finger beneath her chin, and lifted her gaze to meet his. “You’re wrong, baby. I respect your father. He gave me a direct order to keep you safe, and that’s just what I intend to do.”
    Nervously, Elizabeth moistened her dry lips. His gaze zeroed in on the move. He didn’t need another invitation. Mike let the bag slip from his hands and pulled her body flush with his. He lowered his mouth to hers and devoured her. The need to kiss her overwhelmed him. Her plush mouth pressed to his. His hands caressed and travelled down her back to her ass and he squeezed, pulling her even closer. She moaned into his mouth, making the bulge in his jeans harder. He wanted this little spitfire splayed out beneath him. He wanted to kiss and savor every delectable square inch of her body, and he intended to.
    Elizabeth pressed on his chest and leaned back. “We have to stop.” She pulled in a breath. “I’m going to be late for work.”

       Mike released Elizabeth , not because he wanted to, but because he knew she was right. They both had more important things to do, and it didn’t include getting naked with the little doc, no matter how much he wanted to.
    Mike cleared his throat. “You’re right, Doc. But we will be picking this up where we left off.” He reached down and grabbed the bag. “Let’s go.”
    Elizabeth grabbed her purse and keys, locking the door behind her. Mike had his SUV door opened and waiting on her to climb in.
    “Uh, Mike… I’m driving myself.”
    Mike shut the SUV door. It was getting exasperating trying to keep the woman safe when she had her own ideas. “That’s not a good idea, Elizabeth . I think you should ride with me.”
    A mischievous look came into her eyes, and she winked. “You can follow me, but I’m not going to be stranded at the hospital.”
    “Doc, I would never leave you stranded. Even if I couldn’t make it, I’d make sure you had a ride.”
    Elizabeth pulled her door open with determination, ignoring his words. “Just the same, I think I’ll drive myself. You can follow me if you want, but I’m taking my own car.”
    The stubborn woman got in her car, shut the door, and started the ignition, making Mike scramble to follow her down the street, grumbling all the way.
    Mike followed Elizabeth to the hospital. Staying alert and on the lookout for anything unusual. Nothing struck him as out of the ordinary with the morning commuters. He pulled up along side Elizabeth’s car in the same parking garage that had scared her only days before. She wasn’t even waiting on him as she sauntered to the door and pulled it open. “Consider your assignment a success. I can manage from here.”
    Mike put his hand on her lower back and whispered, “Just the same, I’m walking you in, Doc.” Mike kissed her neck. “And later, I’m going to have to give you lessons on obeying my orders.” Mike placed little kisses on her neck. She unconsciously leaned back into his embrace. She shook her head and stepped away.
    “You can try.” Elizabeth smirked and started walking.
    Mike rounded the corner with Elizabeth to the nurses’ desk.
    “Thanks for the escort, Detective.”
    The ladies behind the desk all smiled up at him, some of their mouths slightly ajar. One raised her brow and narrowed her eyes, looking Elizabeth up and down, judging her. His appearance in the hospital for the second day would be the gossip around town before he made it home for the night.
    Mike turned Elizabeth in his arms and without warning he pressed his lips to hers only pulling back only when he felt her lean into his embrace. “Call me if you need me and wait for your escort home, Doc.”
    Doctors Jennings and Powell walked up, laying their clipboards on the counter. Dr. Powell leaned his head to the side, doing his own assessment of Mike. “She won’t need a

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