The Swap - Second Chances: Second Chances

Free The Swap - Second Chances: Second Chances by Alana Hart, Alana Claire

Book: The Swap - Second Chances: Second Chances by Alana Hart, Alana Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alana Hart, Alana Claire
some sort of agreement," Darnell said.
    "So what Darnell? What do you want? You gather us here to tell us in group fashion you two have been cheating on us. Are you saying it's over with our marriages?" Macy asked her eyes pinned on Darnell.
    Darnell just looked at the floor and nodded slightly. "I guess, I'm not sure. Do you want to stay in a marriage knowing I impregnated another woman and then told you about it?"
    "What the fuck man, who are you in love with here? Out with it," Will said with great aggravation in his voice.
    "Look it's not as simple as that. I love my wife, I do. I love Jenna. This just happened. We, Jenna and I, we want to be together. I don't know how else to say it other than to just out with it as you say. I'm trying to be cordial. This is a tough situation," Darnell said.
    "Of your own making," Will said.
    "Okay, okay, stop, everyone please. Will, I'm sorry. I should have told you before Darnell and I ever got together. I didn't. I got caught up in it. I love Darnell. I love you but I've loved Darnell forever. We made a baby. This changes things. I suppose you could say this is a meeting with me asking you for a divorce," Jenna said.
    Macy turned to Darnell. "And I suppose you're asking for one as well?"
    Darnell looked down, guilty for his intentions. "Yes, Macy. We asked everyone here at the same time because this affects all four of us. This isn't a pleasant situation."
    "You think?" Macy said. She cut her eyes quickly to Will then back to Darnell. "Look, Will and I have suspected this for some time. We thought about confronting you earlier but we didn't have concrete proof."
    Jenna raised her eyebrows at Will and sighed. "Hind sight is twenty-twenty. If I could go back and redo how I did this I would. It got out of control. Will, I'm so sorry."
    "Are you? Why couldn't you have set me free before now?" Will said as he hit his closed fist on his legs.
    "Yes I am," Jenna said as the tears sprung free. Darnell wanted to get up and go to her but he thought better of it so he hung back to allow Jenna and Will to sort this out.
    "Stop everyone. No use in name calling, or spewing insults. We're all hurt here. Or at least I guess maybe it's just Will and I. It happened. I suspected, I knew. So what do you want Darnell? Do you want me to move out of the house?" Macy asked.
    "No, there are plenty of rooms, I can move into a guest room. We'll have to hash out the technicalities. Jenna, if you need someplace to stay..."
    "Oh no, she's not staying at the house while I am. Bull shit on that," Macy said.
    "Stop! Everyone, please. I will move out. That way there's no ill feelings on it. And Jenna, you can come with me, since we're already in a family way. Will can have his house. Macy will have hers. Everyone happy?" Darnell said to everyone's shock.
    "I. I don't know. It seems awfully sudden. You two move in together?" Will asked looking at Darnell.
    "Why not? It's done, is it not? Jenna and I will move in. You and Macy can have the homes. No one is out of a home," Darnell said. "And I'll hire an attorney tomorrow to start proceedings. I'd like to get this over with as quick as possible."
    "I'm sure," Will said with his jaw flexing.
    "Macy, I'm sorry. I will gather a few things and will leave tonight. Jenna, I'll let you know where to meet me later," Darnell said. He fought the urge to kiss her but didn't in front of Will and Macy.
    "Well, since you drove yourself here I assume you can get back to get your things. I'll be home later. Macy are you okay?" Will asked.
    "I'm fine. I'm going to talk to Darnell once you all leave," Macy said. Jenna had gotten up to leave the room and Macy mouthed to Will I will call you later .

Chapter Eighteen
    Macy followed Darnell up to their master suite to talk with him while he packed. "You don't have to leave. This is as much your house as it is mine, and there's plenty of room here for you to stay," Macy said.
    Darnell paused the packing and regarded his wife. He softened a bit

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