The Swap - Second Chances: Second Chances

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Book: The Swap - Second Chances: Second Chances by Alana Hart, Alana Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alana Hart, Alana Claire
I'm serious. What's stopping us now?"
    "I think we should wait until at least the divorces are file, don't you? I mean come on. They are the ones with egg on their face. We didn't do anything wrong. One little kiss a couple of weeks ago doesn't make us the ones committing infidelity. We would have never done that if we hadn't been suspicious in the first place, right?"
    "Yeah, your right. But you know what? I'm actually kind of glad it happened," Will admitted.
    "Are you?" Macy asked, a slight look of confusion on her face. She tilted her head to the side. "Starting out I wouldn't have wanted this. No offence. I didn't take my marriage vows lightly. I would have wanted it to work. But it's been months of cold shoulders and avoidances, I guess I'm calloused to it now."
    "I didn't take my marriage vows lightly either. And starting out I didn't want this. But it's happened and I can say as I sit in my house alone after my wife, pregnant by her lover, has left, that I'm okay. I am glad I met you Macy. I don't know what's going to transpire. But I do know one thing, ever since I met you I enjoy your company. I am looking forward to seeing you again, somehow," Will said.
    Macy blushed. "Me too, Will. Me too."

Chapter Nineteen
    Darnell booked a suite at the only hotel in town, the largest one they had and brought Jenna to it. That first night she fell into Darnell's arms and just cried. The news of the pregnancy still weighed on her mind and the official split of her and Will's marriage made her sad.
    "Are you sad at all?" she asked Darnell as they settled into bed.
    "No, life is too short to be sad. Honey, I spent the past several months going over this in my mind. I've said good-bye to Macy long ago. She's really a sweet lady and deserves someone who won't cheat on her like I did. But that's not to say that I'm a chronic cheater. Far from it. You're my one true love, Jenna. I'm not going to apologize about that," Darnell said.
    Jenna smiled and rolled toward him, planting a kiss on his lips. "I guess we need to get used to each other, huh?"
    "You bet! You're stuck with me sugar lips. I'm going to give you the best of everything. You're my baby momma but I hope within a couple of months to make you my wife," Darnell said.
    "Let's just get the divorces out of the way first," Jenna said as she reached around and cut off the light.
    Darnell pulled her to him, landing his lips on hers as they melted together in a passionate embrace. "I love you little lady," Darnell said.
    "I love you back," Jenna said as she scooted on top of him. Darnell grasped her nipples eliciting a groan as she bent over and kissed his chest, running her hands over his body. She kissed and nibbled his neck, wanting to experience all of him now that they had officially separated from their spouses.
    "Oh girl, I can't wait to set up house with you and be able to wake up together every day," Darnell said.
    Jenna sat up and Darnell's hard pole stuck out between her legs. She bent forward rubbing it against her clit. "Mmm, I like this." She raised back up and Darnell pinched and tugged her nipples gently as she grasped his cock and rubbed it over her slit and concentrated circles over her clit. It didn't take long with the precum lubing his head for her to feel the beginnings of the orgasm. Pregnancy certainly increased the pleasure down there and she relished in the sensations.
    Darnell lurched forward as the rubbing brought about increased pleasure in him as well. "Come on baby," he said breathlessly.
    Jenna let go as the orgasm rocked through her mid-section, she ground her pelvis into his crotch, grasping his penis and rubbing it frantically as she came. "Uhhh, uhhhh, oooh, yes." Finally the orgasm waned and she shoved her pussy over his raging hard-on to give him the same amount of satisfaction.
    Darnell grasped her hips and helped her with the rhythmic movements he loved. He felt the semen build at the base of his cock as it stiffened more. "Come on," he groaned

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