A Mother's Secret

Free A Mother's Secret by Amy Clipston

Book: A Mother's Secret by Amy Clipston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clipston
Tags: Ebook
contemplating his words. “I’m froh God led Gideon to the horses. It’s been gut comfort for me since Gideon died and Hannah moved away.”
    He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. “I’m a little surprised I told you that. I haven’t actually said that out loud to anyone before.”
    “Oh.” Carolyn studied him as he kicked a rock with hisshoe. It was obvious he was embarrassed that he had opened up to her, and once again she found herself surprised by Joshua Glick. He was turning out to be more than just the outspoken man she’d seen at the auction and then argued with on Monday.
    An awkward silence passed between them, and Carolyn internally groped for something to say.
    “So, you live here now?” She pointed toward the house.
    “ Ya . I moved in when Hannah and her kinner moved out last year.” He met her gaze, but his expression seemed guarded. Was he afraid of revealing too much again? “The haus is too big for me, but it’s convenient living here. I can just walk out the door and I’m at work. I get more done in the daylight since I don’t have to travel from here back to the little haus where I lived on my parents’ farm.” He pointed toward a second stable. “Ben is working in here with Danny King.”
    Carolyn followed him to the other stable, where they found Benjamin and Daniel. Daniel glanced up and waved, and she returned the greeting. She then followed Joshua toward the row of barns.
    “All our equipment is kept in those three barns, and there’s a small pond at the back of the pasture.” Joshua pointed toward the back of the property. “Hannah used to like to go sit back by the water.” He shook his head, as if to shake away the memory.
    “It’s beautiful,” Carolyn said while scanning the area. “I would love to live in a place like this.”
    Joshua studied her. “Don’t you live on a farm?”
    Carolyn nodded. “I do, but it’s not the same. I live with my parents in the daadi haus on mei bruder’s property. I’ve always dreamed of having a family and a farm of my own. I appreciatemy family, and I love them, of course, but I would love to have something of my own.”
    “It always sounds like a gut idea when you talk about it and dream about it.” Joshua rubbed his clean-shaven chin. “But it’s a lot of work.”
    “But you just said the horses are like a comfort for you,” Carolyn reminded him with her hands on her hips for emphasis. “You admitted just a few moments ago that you fell in love with the farm after a while.”
    Joshua smiled. “ Ya , you’re right. I did say that, but it’s a lot when you’re alone. I’m thankful that I have Danny to help me.”
    “And Ben,” she added.
    “Very true.” Joshua looked toward the stable where Ben was working. “He’s a hard worker and a quick learner.”
    Carolyn couldn’t stop her smile. It was a relief to hear someone compliment her son for once. She looked toward the pasture and silently admired the beautiful horses grazing. A comfortable silence fell between them.
    “Are you still angry with me for working him too hard?” Joshua asked.
    Carolyn studied him. His direct question startled her. “No, I don’t think so. He seems happy here.”
    “Good.” He smiled. “I’m glad he’s here. I’ll work him hard, but I promise you that he’ll learn a lot from me.”
    “That’s gut .”
    “Well, I better get back to work,” Joshua said.
    “ Ya , I better get to my errands.” She looked up at him. “It was gut getting to talk to you.”
    “ Ya .” He nodded. “It was gut . See you soon.”
    Carolyn made her way to the waiting horse and buggy. Beforeclimbing in, she turned back toward the pasture and watched Joshua return to the horses. She lingered for a few moments, taking in Joshua interacting with the horses, and she wondered why she felt such a growing respect for the man.
    She had not dated since Benjamin was born, and she’d gotten used to being alone. Benjamin was all she needed

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