Hawking a Future
work at work. She had to determine the truth and then leave. Fortunately, she had Tovin to go home to, and he had her when his rescues showed him a side to his people he despised.
    Hayley walked through the door, and Tovin took one look at her face before he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her.
    She cried and sniffled against his shoulder as the rioting mood added to her day’s tension. “I hate knowing some of what I have learned.”
    “As do I. You have me, I have you, and together, we can make the world better, one person at a time.”
    He slid his hand between them and whispered, “And so will she.”
    Amyra Arrowheart was born at a healthy ten pounds. Her parents admired her pointy ears and the tiny button of her nose. It was the delicate and perfect rosebud of her lips that made her mother smile.
    “She has that same cupid’s bow that you do, Tovin.”
    Tovin was still sweating and nursing the hand that she had crushed, but holding his daughter with care. “I think her eyes are shaped like yours, though they are coloured like mine.”
    “Yes, they are. Now that the midwife is done with me, hand her over.” The sheets were clean; Hayley was sore, but tidy.
    He sighed, but did as she ordered.
    She watched as he pulled a shifter’s trick and changed his hand to a feathered wingtip before returning it to his normal digits.
    She held little Amyra and cooed at her.
    “Can I let in the family? They are waiting outside.” The midwife smiled.
    Hayley was shocked. “They already have children and grandchildren.”
    Tovin smiled. “And this little one makes four, and she will have cousins to play with and grandparents to dote on her. Let them start now.”
    Hayley cuddled her daughter against her. “Let them in.”
    Tovin sat with his arm around them both, and their family came in pronouncing Amyra to be beautiful and Hayley to be glowing. There was truth in every face and Hayley believed them.

Author’s Note
    And so we conclude the beginning of Hayley’s new life. Her family is going to come up in future books along with her half-sisters and brother.
    Roar of Magic is going to take us through the world of a woman who lives to take care of animals and a man who lives for his art.
    Thanks for reading,
    Zenina Masters
    [email protected]

About the Author
    Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.
    An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.

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