Taming Lo: A You and I Novel

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Book: Taming Lo: A You and I Novel by Melissa Toppen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Toppen
grip his rock hard erection. He lets out a deep groan
and then kisses me harder.
    This is what I need. Uncomplicated, meaningless sex.
This is who I am.
    Or at least, that's what I tell myself as I pull Mike
into my apartment and let him fuck me like an animal for the next
twenty minutes. I try to focus on the feeling of him sliding in and
out of me, on his labored breathing and the pleasure that I know my
body is giving him, but it's not enough. It's not enough to shake the
cloud that has settled over me and it certainly is not enough to even
get me close to getting off.
    Mike groans loudly and then collapses his weight down on
top of me the moment he finds his release. I can smell the alcohol on
his breath as he drops his lips to mine. I shift under his weight,
just wanting him to get off of me already. I don't know why I am so
agitated right now. He's a sweet enough guy, so why am I so eager to
get away from him?
    “ You
want to go grab a bite to eat or something? There's an all night
diner not far from here.” Mike asks, rolling to his side and
removing the used condom from his softening erection.
    “ No.
I'm good.” I say, sitting up and slipping my sweater back over
my head. “I have an early day tomorrow.” I lie. Grabbing
my panties from the floor next to me, I shimmy them up my legs and
then stand to pull them the rest of the way up.
    “ Well
can I get your number? I would love to hang out again sometime soon.”
He says, standing to buckle his jeans.
    “ That's
not how this works.” I say, shaking him off when he makes an
attempt to pull me into his arms. “This was fun.” I tack
on, when his face falls slightly. “But I don't date.” I
say, leaning over to retrieve his shirt from the floor. Dropping it
in his hands, I make my way towards the front door.
    Peeling the door open, he looks from me to the open
door, clearly shocked that I expect him to leave so quickly after we
finished. The truth is, I am completely unsatisfied and a bit annoyed
at this point.
get me wrong, Mike has a lot to offer a woman and for the most part,
knows how to use it. But all I could think the whole time he was
moving above me was I
wish he was Dax .
Shaking my head, I try to push aside my mental meltdown and get rid
of my current company, who quickly slips on his shoes and stumbles
towards me.
    “ I
take it you know the way back to the bar?” I ask, handing him
his jacket as soon as he reaches me.
    “ I
think I can manage.” He gives me a forced smile and then steps
past me into the hallway.
    “ Have
a good night.” I try to be as friendly and perky as I can
    “ Yeah,
yeah. You too.” He says, meeting my eyes with a small smile
before turning and disappearing down the hall without another word.
    Closing the door, I drop back against the cool wood and
let out a deep exhale, pushing my knotted wavy hair away from my
face. What the fuck is wrong with me? Sex is my answer. My solution
when anything is bothering me. But the run in with Dax earlier has
left me with a sick feeling of guilt and as such, prevented me from
being able to use sex the way I normally do.
    Why do I feel guilty?
    I think that is the thing that is eating at me the most.
Me and Dax are nothing. Hell, he has made it perfectly clear that he
wants nothing to do with me. So why did I suddenly feel like I was
betraying him when his eyes landed on mine in the split second before
the door closed between us?
    There was something in his gaze. Something that told me
Dax Riley is a hell of a lot more complicated than I had originally
suspected. This realization only makes me that much more curious
about him and what he hides behind that cocky smile and do-not-care
    Pushing away from the door, I quickly cross the space of
my living room and grab my jeans from the floor. Dipping into the
back pocket, I pull out my cell phone and immediately bring up Dax's
contact information.
am seconds away from pushing the call button
when I chicken

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