
Free ControlledBurn by Em Petrova

Book: ControlledBurn by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
locked him to her breast, mind whirling with the bliss they forced on her.
    “She needs a massage.” Mitch caressed her inner thighs,
working the muscles lightly, fanning his fingers over her pussy lips until she
thought she’d scream.
    “Mm-hmm.” Pearce plucked at her other nipple until it was a
hard jewel, straining for his tongue.
    “Here.” Mitch parted her folds and drove his tongue straight
into her sheath. She bucked but Pearce pinned her down.
    “And here.” Pearce’s mouth was suddenly on her navel,
lapping the place she’d always found incredibly erotic.
    “This is needy.” Pearce circled her clit with his fingers
while Mitch fucked her with his tongue. Electric need shocked her system like a
jolt of lightning.
    Mitch pulled back far enough to whisper, “Not as needy as
this.” He found her nether hole, pushing on it until she cried out for more.
    “Get the condoms and lube.”
    “Thought you’d never fucking ask.” Mitch jumped off the bed
while Pearce moved back to her mouth. He kissed her lingeringly, expressing all
his love for her with the movements of his tongue.
    When he pulled away, she met his gaze. “You sure this is
what you want, baby?” he asked.
    “Gods, yes.” Her voice shook.
    “Hmm. Good.” He nipped her lower lip, tugging it lightly.
    Mitch returned with a condom rolled in place. She stared at
his erection for a long minute, imagining how it would fit inside her. She’d
taken Pearce’s cock in her ass plenty of times, and even let him use a small
dildo on her ass while he fucked her, but she’d never had two men. And never
one as big as Mitch. When he entered her pussy, it seemed to stretch her to the
max. What would happen when he took her from behind?
    She beckoned to him with her fingers. He came near the edge
of the bed and she wrapped her fingers around his arousal, guiding it to her
lips. The condom was banana flavored and she giggled a little as she lapped at
his thick head.
    “You dare to laugh, Ellie? I’ll make you pay for that.
Fucking take it all.” A bracket of humor appeared around his full lips even as
his eyes burned. She opened her mouth and allowed him to press his length past
her lips.
    Pearce moaned at the sight, reaching between his legs and
fondling his length while he fingered her pussy teasingly. She sucked on
Mitch’s cock, reveling in the length bulging her cheeks. But she wanted to see
her husband’s mouth distended and full.
    Sliding her lips up Mitch’s shaft, she grasped the root and
guided his swollen head toward Pearce’s lips. His eyes darkened to a simmering
green-gold as he took their mutual lover’s length into his mouth.
    She watched each inch disappear into her husband’s mouth and
thought she’d come there and then. Every nerve ending sang out. Having these
two men with her, pleasuring her and filling her life with so much more than
she’d ever thought possible was mind-blowing.
    Pearce hollowed his cheeks and sucked Mitch’s length all the
way to the back of his throat. Ellie moaned at the sight, her pussy releasing a
fresh flood of cream.
    “Enough,” Mitch grated out. He tried to pull back but Pearce
followed him, licking the length all the way to the tip. “I need inside her
before I come. I need to feel your cock slipping against mine through her thin
    Shivers of want rippled through her, raising gooseflesh in
their wake. She held Mitch’s gaze for a heartbeat, reading so much in his dark
chocolaty gaze. He traced her cheekbone with his fingertip and she closed her
eyes, falling deeper.
    Pearce spread out on the sheets and pulled Ellie atop him.
She drank in his scents and lowered her mouth to his, drinking from him, taking
what she wanted. His erection bobbed against her slick folds, tormenting her.
But she waited to take him inside her, hoping to extend their pleasure. This
was too good.
    Mitch knelt behind her, latching on to her hips tightly. She
rocked, drawing a moan from him. “Fuck,

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