Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart)

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Book: Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart) by Alyssa James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa James
confess now. Her atonement would come on the dreadful day of judgement, just as the priest had declared.
    The priest’s words went on but she could not focus on any of what he said. Then, she heard Lord Romsey’s firm, authoritative voice as he pledged himself to her as her husband. She was in a whirlpool of confusion and regret, unsure of how she would go on.
    The Earl of Romsey’s hand squeezed gently at the indentation of her waist. “’Tis expected that you make your vows now, my Lady Lisette.”
    God forgive me.
    The saints have mercy on my soul.
    “I, Lisette, take thee Rowan to my wedded husband...” She faltered, swallowed hard and willed herself to continue. “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth.”
    ’Twas done. Her part in the ceremony was over as she’d responded with the words that would bind her to this man.
    She didn’t deserve him. He deserved so much more in his bride.
    She’d found the idea of marriage to Lord Collins repugnant. Would her new husband view her with the same degree of contempt and loathing when he learned what she had done? ’Twould be unbearable.
    “God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill ye with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.”
    The Earl of Romsey used his hand at her waist to turn her slightly so she faced him. His head lowered toward hers and she realised his intent to seal their souls together with a kiss as tradition demanded. Reflexively, she recoiled as memories of her guardian’s lips upon hers rolled over her with distaste. This time, all in the crowd would witness her humiliation.
    For a moment, the Earl of Romsey appeared to register her recoil and he hesitated. Then his hand firmed against the small of her back and he urged her toward him. Her eyes flew to his and she saw him willing her to relax. In the depths of his steady green gaze there was promise not to harm her, yet insistence that she comply. The gentle concern in his expression was undeserved and she could not endure it.
    She closed her eyelids, unable to bear his misplaced consideration any longer.
    Her neck stiff, she held still, hoping his kiss would be more bearable than her guardian’s had been.
    Lisette was not disappointed.
    Her husband’s light touch had her eyelids flying open and her mouth forming a small, delighted ‘oh’. Lord Romsey’s lips brushed gently over hers, grazing them softly in an almost-there kiss. Her senses were overloaded by the tantalising, teasing feel of his lips.
    Warm. Firm. Dry. She tried to analyse her response to his insistent, brushing caresses. The very tip of his tongue traced the outline of her lips and, far from repulsing her, his touch sent arrows of delight spearing to the juncture of her thighs. The explorative tongue movement sent her into a state of fabulous confusion. This kiss was her first true kiss. Her first awakening to how a kiss could be—should be. Her thoughts were confused as her body clamoured for more.
    The awareness of his height and his broad shoulders as he stood before her and encircled her with his arms, overwhelmed her. She wanted him to take off his armour so she could feel and melt into his strength. Instinctively she believed she could take comfort from him. His warrior’s body promised her security and safe haven from any who would dare to harm her.
    The Earl of Romsey was more than she’d ever hoped for.
    Wonderful. Was the word that bounced around her brain as he straightened and the kiss was over. ’Twas closely followed by another word— More— for the tension in his body

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