K.J. Emrick - Darcy Sweet 12 - Death at the Wheel
Jon’s unmarked car and parked next to it.  Wilson Barton was still here.  Good.  She wanted to ask him a few questions.  Jon didn’t want her to accuse the man of anything without proof?  Fine.  She’d get proof.
    The ICU nurse recognized Darcy from before, but frowned and motioned her over to her work desk.  From behind the shiny counter top with its neatly ordered binders and folders and papers, the nurse smiled in a way that didn’t touch her round, brown eyes.  She motioned at the computer monitors as Darcy got closer.  “You can’t go down, honey.  You’re not family.”
    Darcy frowned, but she knew she should have thought of that.  “Can you call down for my friend, then?  Rosie is expecting me.  I’m supposed to pick her up.”
    “Hey, Darcy,” she heard Wilson Barton calling to her from down the hallway.  “What are you doing here?”
    Darcy made sure to keep her expression friendly as she returned his greeting.  “Hi Will.  I came to pick up Rosie for our book club meeting.  Is she down there with Lindsay?”
    At the mention of Lindsay’s name, Wilson’s face twitched.  It was there and gone again and if Darcy hadn’t been looking she would have missed it.  “I’m not sure,” he said.  “I was talking to Lindsay’s new husband, Alan, in the nursing supervisor’s office.  Taking his statement.  He’s an…interesting man.”
    Darcy tapped her fingers on the raised counter surface of the ICU desk.  “Rosie said pretty much the same thing.  Did you go in to see Lindsay?  It must be hard,” she ventured , “to see her like that.  I mean, since you two used to date each other.”
    He stared at her for the longest moment.  Then his eyes turned to steel.  “I never would have wanted to see her like that.  Ever.  She meant the world to me, back then.  I never…”
    He swallowed, and his expression slipped, like he realized that he’d said too much.  “Anyway.  I know Rosie went to find a doctor to talk to but Lindsay’s asleep again.  They gave her something to help put her out.  It was Alan’s suggestion, I guess, but anything that helps ease her pain is a good idea in my book.  I’ll just have to come back later to get her statement.”
    Darcy’s mind was chewing over everything he said.  Seeing Lindsay like this had obviously upset him.  The question was whether he was upset because someone he cared about was hurt, or because he was the one who hurt her.  Wilson was still the prime suspect in her opinion, and her mind played out a scene where he had been stalking the woman he loved, the woman who had married secretly and who was now coming back to the town where she and Wilson had fallen in love.
    Had he been following them too closely in that red car with its out of state rental tags?  Had it truly been an accident?  Or, the more suspicious side of her asked, had he intentionally run into Lindsay’s car in a fit of rage?
    The same kind of rage she had just seen flicker across his face before he could hide it from her.
    “So I guess you’re going to head back to Misty Hollow now?” she asked as sincerely as she could.  “It’s too bad you had to borrow Jon’s car to come all the way out here.  Yours must be in the shop or something.”
    “I have a loaner right now,” he told her, not really answering what she had said.  “It’s not much.  Good thing Jon doesn’t mind sharing his car.  So.  Do you want me to find Rosie and bring her back into town for you?  I can get around the hospital a little easier than you can.  Since you’re not family, I mean.”
    “No,” Darcy said quickly.  Then, more slowly, she added, “I mean, I promised to take her back.  I’m sure she hasn’t gone far.”
    In that moment, she did not want Rosie to be alone with Wilson.  There wasn’t a reason for it that she could point to.  Her sixth sense wasn’t going off, and as far as gathering proof about him to show to Jon she hadn’t gotten

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