Rule (Roam Series, Book Five)

Free Rule (Roam Series, Book Five) by Kimberly Stedronsky

Book: Rule (Roam Series, Book Five) by Kimberly Stedronsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky
men did, disarmed me, and took a potential assassin down in less than thirty seconds. Intoxicated.”
    “Hey, I’m so not intox… intoxi… drunk ,” I argued, running my hand over the cool, luxurious bedding. “This feels so expensive.”
    He moved to the bed, and I scooted to the side, patting the edge.
    “Are you asking me to sit?”
    I nodded with a mischievous grin, dropping my arms behind my head to the pillow and into my mass of curls.
    Reaching for his shirt, I used the fabric to pull myself up to a sitting position. His hand clamped over mine, and he followed be back down to the pillows.
    “Maybe it will be easier… this way ,” he hushed, his lips lingering just over mine. I waited, inhaling the warm, inviting scent of his breath. “I have questions for you.”
    “What questions,” I reached for his hair, eager to feel the thick, dark silk beneath my fingertips. “Wait… it’s too quiet in here,” I lifted my hand in the air, drawing a slow circle.
    Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get it On cast an impatient shadow over his face, and he caught my hand in the air as I leered at him, winking obnoxiously.
    “Off. Now.”
    I scowled, reversing the circle and returning the room to silence.
    “You must be honest, Eva,” he touched the tip of my chin, tracing slowly down the center of my neck.
    His hand, so unexpected, stole my breath. Moaning softly, I closed my eyes, disappearing into his beckoning trance. My body moved beneath his slightest touch, and I tried desperately to still my rapid breathing.
    “Yes,” I could feel my heart pounding in my ears as his fingers stopped, just over my breast.
    “Yes, what?”
    Keep touching me! “Yes, my lord, ” I cried, digging my fingernails into the back of his neck.
    “Do you have another motive for being here?”
    “Motive?” I repeated, squirming wantonly. Jesus. He’s only touching my neck and I’m melting.
    “For wanting to be queen?”
    “Wanting to be queen…? I just want to protect my brother,” I opened my eyes, blinking away stunned, impassioned tears. “And… be mortal ,” I added, soaring on the honesty of more than half a bottle of wine. “And… you. I really like you, ” I admitted.
    His fingertip continued downward, skipping over the bodice of my gown and sliding along the side of my breast. I closed my eyes again and ground my teeth, flattening my palms against the bedspread.
    “And you have no intention of crossing me,” he added, curving his hand beneath my back and tugging my waist to his chest.
    “Crossing you…? You’ve kept me alive… for all of these years. Me and Christopher,” I added, reaching for his shoulders. His hand slid against my side again, and the up and down motion of his touch over the fabric of my gown stealing my breath.
    He sensed my need, finally stopping at my waist. As his thumb began stroking lightly, over and over my stomach, I gasped, lifting my eyes. His face, so close to mine, drank me in, heavy-lidded, and his other hand gently cupped my breast.
    Aroused beyond any state I’d ever known, I vanished into his touch, all hope for sobering thoughts replaced by adamant urges. Oh my God… please just kiss me… He teased me with his hovering mouth, driving me to near madness as I waited for him.
    “ You have perfect lips, ” he said, his deep voice rumbling against my chest as he pressed against me, his fingers working over my gown again and creating a friction that left me nearly panting. “And… I believe you. ”
    His deep voice detonated my need for him.
    I tore at his shirt, pressing my body into his. “Wait… wait, little one. Not like this,” he caught my hands, dragging them to his lips.
    “ Don’t go, ” I begged, disappointment overwhelming as he tugged the blanket over me. “I thought you were going to… kiss me.”
    “I’ll be here when you wake. Close your eyes. ”
    I remembered his hand in mine, and then nothing else.

Chapter Seven
    The irritating thud continued in my

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