The Ultimate Betrayal

Free The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori

Book: The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annette Mori
Tags: Romance
can’t just abandon her job to play tourist guide.”
    “Well, why the hell not? Doesn’t the fact that you’re sleeping with the boss give us certain privileges to seek assistance from her employees.”
    Joy took a few steps back toward Chandra’s desk. “I really need to find those hot lesbians you promised me and I think I’ve found the first one. Right, you darling creature. You know, as an older woman, I could teach you a thing or two.” Joy winked at Chandra.
    Sophia pushed Joy toward the elevators, turned her head to face Chandra, and called out, “Sorry. She’s really not this bad most of the time. We’ve been cooped up in a plane for more than six hours.”
    She needed to connect later with Chandra so she could enlist her assistance with Lara’s surprise party to celebrate her fortieth birthday. Perhaps she could get Joy to work with her—that ought to please her best friend.


    Sophia exited the massive office building and headed to the limousine that was double-parked in front. The driver jumped out ready to open the doors for the two women. She waved her hand to indicate they weren’t getting back inside.
    “My friend and I plan on walking around a bit. Would you mind dropping off our bags at Hotel 1000 where my wife’s penthouse is located? I’ll call when we’re done, but I suspect it won’t be until after five and probably closer to six,” Sophia directed.
    “It would be my pleasure,” the driver answered. He pulled a card from his pocket and handed it to Sophia. “Just call this number and tell me where you’ve landed and I’ll come get you and bring you to the hotel.”
    Sophia pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to the driver.
    “Thank you, ma’am.”
    “How come Lara doesn’t own a house or a condo here in Seattle?” Joy asked.
    Sophia shrugged. “I’m not sure. At first, when she opened the Seattle office, she would only be away for a few days at a time and I guess she thought the hotel would be easier. Maybe she’s considering buying real estate here now that she spends more of her time in Seattle than in New York. She hasn’t really talked much about her plans.”
    “So, how are we going to get into her penthouse suite without a key?”
    Sophia pulled a key card from her pocket. “She forgot the extra card in her jacket that she asked me to take to the cleaners.”
    “Why, you little minx. You stole her card,” Joy exclaimed.
    “It’s hardly stealing when I’m married to the victim—community property and all that.” Sophia laughed.
    “I guess it makes it easy for you to surprise her.”
    “Yep. That’s the plan. No offense, but when we get to the hotel, I’m getting you a separate room. I have big plans for my wife tonight.”
    “No offense taken, but it would have been fun to watch,” Joy teased.
    “Funny. Your jokes get more ribald as you age.”
    “Who’s joking?” Joy grinned.
    “God, we really need to locate that bar so you can find your evening entertainment.”
    “Now you’re talking,” Joy said.





    Chapter Twelve


    Chelsea Martin rolled out of the luxurious king bed and began putting her clothes back on. “Lara, I can honestly say it’s been a pleasure doing business with you, but unfortunately I’ve got to run. I hope you don’t mind.”
    “No, not at all. I understand what a busy woman you are,” Lara responded.
    “As lovely as this afternoon was, and I must say it was one of the better business meetings I’ve had, I believe you’ve clearly explained all the finer points of the contract in enough detail that I won’t require any additional clarification. Perhaps we can do lunch on occasion, but it certainly won’t be necessary to spend any more time on the deal. I hope you understand.” Chelsea narrowed her eyes waiting for a reaction from Lara.
    “I understand perfectly. Fortified Financials appreciates the trust you have in our corporation. I guarantee that I will

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