Lovers' Dance

Free Lovers' Dance by K Carr

Book: Lovers' Dance by K Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: K Carr
the crowds. He didn’t notice anything wrong and pointed this out to his friend.
    Louisa chuckled in delight. “Oh, darling, you don’t have to be PC. You’re amongst friends, and we’re all thinking the same thing. Really, darling, there’s nothing wrong with admitting the numbers of people who don’t need a tan are increasing. Marseille in my opinion is ruined. I hope St Tropez doesn’t end up the same.”
    Matt was silent for a moment, then said tartly as he dropped the bottle of lotion and stood up, “I find your comments quite offensive.” He glanced at Paul. “Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You don’t personally know any of those people in port, yet you’ve arrived at the conclusion that they’re undesirable simply because they’re not white? That’s ignorant and clearly racist. If you’ll excuse me, I must speak to the captain concerning our departure tomorrow.”
    Louisa grabbed his forearm. “Heavens, darling. What’s gotten into you?”
    He stared at her hand on his arm until she removed it. Matt affected a bored, yet haughty, demeanour. “Nothing’s gotten into me, Louisa. I’m simply enlightened enough to know judging someone on their skin tone is not only wrong, but also illegal.”
    With that, he turned on his heels and left his friends gaping at his retreating back. Fucking hell. He was fuming. Not at them, but at himself. Before two months ago, he probably wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with Paul and Louisa making those comments. In fact, he most likely would’ve verbally agreed and added to the conversation. Two months ago he’d met her, and he still couldn’t get her out of his mind. Bloody Madison DuMont. She’d done something to him, changed him in some way that he couldn’t change back. And it was fucking with his perfect life. He ached for her, which he found laughable considering the entirety of their time together was less than twenty-four hours. He didn’t know anything about this woman, yet it was her face he imagined when making love to other women, her body he wished he could touch as long as he wanted, her dark skin lying next to his pale skin in bed. She was black magic, literally. She had somehow managed to get under his skin. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t try to find her. What was the point? It would never—
    “Matt, wait up.” Nathan’s footsteps behind him stopped his train of thoughts.
    “What, Nathan?” he asked coldly.
    Nathan eyed him speculatively, an unsure grin on his face. “What happened back there? If I didn’t know better, I’d asked if you’re the newest member of a disenfranchised minority support group.”
    “That’s not in the least bit amusing.” Matt turned, resuming his quick pace.
    “You’re out of sorts, mate. Why?” Nathan kept up Matt’s furious stride. They were the same height and usually worked out together.
    “Is that how I sound? As ignorant and foolish as them? Am I equally as racist as everyone on this floating can?”
    “Whoa.” Nathan grabbed his friend’s arm. “Don’t tar me with the same brush, Matt. Bella and I are the most liberal out of the lot of you.”
    Matt scowled at his friend. “Liberal, my arse. You’re just as bad.”
    “No,” Nathan said emphatically. “We’re not, but that’s irrelevant. What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been out of sorts for months. The simplest thing is winding you up these days. You fired one of your executives for making a joke.”
    “It was sexist,” Matt shot back defensively. “And he was taking the piss.”
    “Bollocks,” Nathan said dryly. “You’re angry over something and taking it out on anyone who makes a mistake. And I know what’s causing this.”
    Matt jerked to a stop, turning slowly to face his friend. “Don’t even start.”
    “It’s that woman you told me about. The one you helped that night. What did you say her name was again?”
    “I’m not talking about this,” Matt gritted out and strode away,

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