Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex)

Free Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex) by Katy Walters

Book: Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex) by Katy Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Walters
I have watched you from afar.  I hear you are newly married – what?’
    ‘Err yes, Your Highness, only a few days.’ Etta replied trying not to squeak.
    ‘Hmm, I see Drucy took a liking to you. Fine lady, good to know.  The ton can be pretty brutal at times, especially to young and beautiful newcomers.’
    ‘I found her to be very pleasant – indeed I am glad to find a friend so soon.’
    ‘I hear you are the Duke of Hillhampton’s gal?’
    ‘Yes Your Highness, I have four brothers.’
    ‘Hmm – fine officers – the older two.
    Etta timidly raised her head, to find the handsome face beaming down at her. He was older than her by maybe ten years, but devastatingly handsome. As she went to speak, she felt his hand pull her nearer to his muscled body. Frowning she looked up, and deliberately pushed back.
    ‘Forgive me – it’s just I find you utterly enchanting.  I’ve wanted to hold you from the moment I first saw you.’ he said, swirling her around, his head bending, the fine lips brushing against the tip of her ear.
    She felt a sizzling sensation ripple down to her thighs.  Good lord, what was that?  ‘You are very bold, Your Highness, Where did you see me?’ she said, managing to keep her voice composed.
    ‘I was on the foredeck, my eyes roved to the quayside to see you sitting on a trunk with a white horse nibbling the ribbons of your bonnet.  You gazed in rapture at the sails above you. T’was fit for an oil painting, exquisite. Since then I have schemed to be with you.’ He said unaware of his effect upon her. 
    Flushing, Etta lowered her eyes. ‘Your Highness as I said, I am married –’
    ‘A few days too long for me milady. But, we shall see.’
    Etta’s heart leapt, See – see what?  It seemed the man was making a play for her.  It just would not do.
    ‘ Your Highness – please. I cannot permit you to say such words.’
    ‘Can I not admire you, my lady?’
    ‘As long as you keep your distance, Your Highness,’ she murmured, not wishing to appear churlish.
    ‘Enough of Your Highness, call me Ambrosius.’
    Keeping her distance she said, ‘ The nectar of the Gods no less. But no, it would be most improper for me to address you, with your familiar name.’
    ‘Quite the prim little beauty aren’t we?’  Laughing he scooped her up, whirling around so swiftly her feet left the floor. Setting her down, he breathed rapidly, gazing into her eyes.
    Seeking to break the intensity of his gaze, she said, ‘So, where do you hail from?’
    ‘I belong to the old Swedish aristocratic family, the Salmis el Wrangel. I have inherited the small principality, but we have estates in Belgium, France, Italy and Wiltshire, England. My family is pressing me to settle down, but until now, I had not found the woman I wished to marry.’ He lightly pulled her closer, ‘And, here you are – a vision of loveliness, the princess of the icy fjords.’
    ‘Your Highness, this is ridiculous. You are flirting with me; tis outrageous,’ she said, pulling back once more.
    ‘Hah, but I do not jest, nor am I flirting. I am enamoured of you, Henrietta. Hear me dear heart; enamoured.’
    ‘ Your Highness – end this conversation now, or I shall walk off the floor.’ The music rang through her ears, as she felt a wave of dizziness sweep over her. She looked around for Vaughan, only to see he had disappeared. Dammit. She needed him, where was he?
    ‘You know you can’t do that.’ He grinned, showing perfect teeth chiselled from the whitest ice. The ton would not forgive your unseemly behaviour. Again, she had that awful urge to kiss those lips. This was too much.
    He was right; to walk off the dance floor and leave him, would play into the hands of the gossips. She could not bring such attention to herself. It would be she they would talk about, the chin wagging becoming more scandalous with each telling. ‘So you have me as your prisoner, but this dance will soon end.’
    ‘It will end when I give the

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