Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex)

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Book: Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex) by Katy Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Walters
signal Henrietta.’ His eyes darkened to an even deeper blue.  ‘We need to talk.’
    ‘Oh no we don’t. Moreover, tis Lady Henrietta to you. After this dance, I will never speak to you again.’ Her heart heard her words, and disagreed. She looked up at those sculpted lips, and the urge swept over her.
    ‘I know you desire me Henrietta; I can feel it in your body, see it in your eyes.’
    ‘What? How dare you speak to me like that? Why you brazen … I repeat – I am married and will not speak or dance with you ever again.´ Through her heated gaze, she saw him nod to the small orchestra who brought the waltz to an end.  Not even waiting for him to escort her back to her seat, she marched off. To her dismay, he followed.
    Bringing up her fan, she snapped it open, and began furiously fanning her face. ‘Go – go away.’ Hiding behind her fan, she whispered between clenched teeth. ‘Enough – go away.’ Raising his eyebrows, he bowed, and to her relief, walked slowly away, but not before turning to grin.
    The devil, such audacious behaviour.   However, even in her anger, she felt the pull. What on earth was happening? She was wed – had not even consummated her marriage, and yet her body pulsed to this stranger’s touch. She had to pull herself together, ignore him, besides her next partner would appear very soon. 
    To her dismay, the music started up for a quadrille, but no one appeared to claim her.  Frowning, she looked around to the dancers stepping on the dance floor, yet there was no sign of any officer approaching.
    Feeling her throat dry, she looked around for Vaughan, the man had disappeared. She could not possibly go up to the drinks' table alone; it was unheard of.  Rising, she decided to make her way to the Ladies Room; at least, she could hide in there until Vaughan reappeared. 
    Her heart fluttered, as she left the ballroom, and made her way down a main corridor off the balcony.  Why had Vaughan  left her? Although it was now quite dark, she could see couples taking the air, walking through the gardens lit with oil lamps, whilst others sat at tables drinking and chatting. She felt vulnerable - alone, when she at last espied a waiter carrying a tray of filled glasses. Perhaps she could beg a drink off him, but then she had to return to the ballroom alone. She could hardly go the Duchess, however friendly. It was too soon and how could she explain the disappearance of her husband?  Frustration flooded her body, even if every dance was taken, he could at least stay within sight. 
    She paused, as the waiter came towards her, only to feel strong arms sweep her off her feet. Struggling, she was lifted, and despite her protests, swiftly carried to the end of the corridor, and then hefted through glass doors opening onto a shadowed corner at the far end of the balcony.  She looked up into those dark blue eyes, his large hands nearly spanning her waist, as he placed her on a wrought-iron seat.

Chapter 1 3
    Esther lay back against silk pillows.  She had such a loyal protector in the viscount. He showed his passion for her in unfailing care. He asked for nothing, except she recovered.  The tenderness she saw in his eyes was that of her dear father before he fell into the abyss of alcohol and gambling.
    The fever left her feeling weak, but in the last two days, she’d gained back her strength if not her joi de vivre .  She picked at the lace of her cuffs, such fragile beauty. David showered her with gifts and the most exquisite night rails and silken robes; all without any veiled intent.
    Now it was time for her to dress, and return to her own apartment, her own life, such as it was.  She shivered at the days to come. How would Vaughan take the news of the child?  Would he cast her out onto the streets? Tis well known for men to discard their mistresses on a much lesser whim. She knew he cared for her, but never professed his love. Indeed, in one intimate talk, he confessed he did not

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