Battle of the Dum Diddys

Free Battle of the Dum Diddys by R.L. Stine

Book: Battle of the Dum Diddys by R.L. Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
Chapter 2
    â€œBernie…” he said again.
    I still didn’t like the way he said it.
    â€œYou’re looking great, sir,” I said. “Are you growing taller? You look very tall today. Oh. You’re sitting on a phone book, aren’t you? Very clever, sir.”
    â€œBernie—” he said.
    â€œMr. Upchuck, I can explain about that Go Fish game,” I said. “We weren’t really playing for money. I know there was a lot of money there. But we were just using it to steady the table. You see, the card table was very wobbly. And we used the money to—”
    â€œBernie—” he interrupted. His face turned as red as a ruby grapefruit. He actually looks a lot like a grapefruit. With eyes.
    â€œSir, I swear I didn’t cheat on the eye exam,” I said. “Someone gave me the sheet of paper with the letters on it. But I never read it. Really. I—”
    He sighed. “Bernie—” he said.
    â€œYou are looking awesome today,” I said. “Is that a shadow on your forehead? No. I think you’re starting to grow eyebrows!”
    â€œBernie,” he said through gritted teeth. “Shut your piehole.”
    â€œYes, sir,” I said, giving him a sharp, two-fingered salute. “Anything you say, sir. That’s the Bernie Bridges motto. Anything the Headmaster says is gold. Gold! ”
    The Headmaster let out a sharp growl. “Say one more word, Bernie, and I’ll bite your throat.”
    I laughed. “Funny, sir,” I said. “I love your sense of humor. We all do. It’s what makes you so special to us. You inspire us, sir. You really do. We think a new library should be built in your honor, sir. The Upchuck Library. It has a nice ring to it—doesn’t it?”
    I’d never heard a sound like that from the Headmaster before.

    He roared. Reached out his pudgy hands, ready to strangle me. And leaped over his desk.
    I don’t know why he wanted to attack. I was being so nice to him. But I really think The Big Man wanted to bite my throat.
    Luckily, the phone rang.
    A very exciting and frightening phone call.
    But I can’t tell you everything in one chapter—can I? Keep reading….

Chapter 3
    Headmaster Upchuck slid back into his chair and raised the phone to his ear. “Upchuck here,” he said.
    His little hamster eyes narrowed to slits. “Uh-huh,” he muttered as he listened. “Uh-huh.”
    He waved me away. “Bernie, go sit out in the hall,” he said. “I’ll get to you in a minute. This is an important call.”
    I saluted again and walked out of the office. But I didn’t go sit in the hall. I hunched behind the office door. How else could I listen in on the important phone call?

    I wasn’t snooping. I was doing my job. The other guys count on me to know everything that’s going on.
    So I held my breath and pressed my ear to the door.
    â€œI see. I see,” The Upchuck kept repeating.
    Peeking through the door opening, I could see a worried expression on his face. If he had eyebrows, they’d be all scrunched up.
    â€œThe Board of Inspectors is coming?” Upchuck said into the phone. “When? In one week?” He nodded his head. “Yes, I understand. Everything must be running smoothly. Yes. If Rotten School isn’t up to their standards,the school will be shut down.”
    I gasped.
    Shut down Rotten School? Impossible!
    â€œDo you think we might have more than one week to prepare?” Upchuck asked. “Maybe a year or two?”
    He sighed. “I see. Yes, I understand. One week. If the inspectors file a bad report, the school will be closed forever.”
    I gasped again. This was kinda serious. I mean, you probably go home after school every day. But our school is a boarding school. That means we live here. We

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