Bound (Hidden Pleasures, #4)
Chapter One
    S oft silk sheets cushioned her on the mattress, tangled around her legs and made it hard to move. Ronnie shifted around, trying to roll over. She’d drooled into the pillow and wanted to get her face out of the wet spot.
    Panic overtook her when she realized she couldn’t move her arms. Or her legs.
    She was strapped down, bound to the bed. The beat of her heart increased to something rivaling an Olympic runner’s and she yanked at the restraints on her wrists and ankles.
    The large king size mattress was empty to either side of her. She’d gone to sleep last night cuddled between her lovers Gavin and Luis.
    After the spanking on the patio, their dicks plowing into her ass so hard she couldn’t breathe, and enough orgasms to make her knees weak, they’d taken her to the shower, cleaned her up, and she’d passed out on the bed naked. Luis, the gorgeous Latino, had spooned her from behind, and Gavin, the tanned, sandy haired landscaper scooted up to her front until her tits were smooshed to his back.
    She’d been hoping to wake up with both of them, have breakfast, and then maybe Gavin would lick her pussy until she creamed all over him.
    God, she’d turned into such a horny slut since they’d started dating.
    “Hello?” She tugged on the restraints and twisted her wrists, trying to move her head around to check out the room.
    Neither man had offered up any info about whose bedroom this was the night before, but the lack of clutter on the dresser top and black, simple furniture suggested Gavin. After watching him cook the night before, and how he’d cleaned up as he went, she bet he was the neater of the two.
    Plus, over the weeks as they’d spoken on the phone and texted each other, he complained now and then about Luis being a slob.
    “Hey! Where are you guys?” The yell went unanswered once again, and fear wormed its way into her belly.
    Usually when they were going to have sex, she was prepared for it. For the game of it, the dominance and submission. Submitting to her Doms was the best thing ever. Before the night Luis met her in the hallway outside her room, she’d never had sex that was so good. So fulfilling as being their willing sub, taking their cocks in her mouth...her pussy...her ass...fucking both of them at the same time.
    They’d only done the double penetration where one fucked her pussy while the other fucked her ass once. She really wanted to do that again, but was embarrassed to ask.
    “Gavin? Luis? Guys? Why am I tied to the bed?” A thump sounded in the hall and she craned her neck to see...nothing. The door was closed. Frightened and upset, tears leaked from the corners of her eyes and she yanked on the bindings hard. This wasn’t funny; she’d never said that waking up tied to the bed was okay.
    Yelling her safe word wouldn’t do her crap if no one was around to help get her out of here.
    She squirmed around, trying to free her legs to no avail. Each move across the sheets was a slice of hell, as the material rubbed on her nipples and exposed clit. Being spread eagle on the bed, both legs stretched wide, left her pussy lips parted, her inner flesh exposed to the room.
    What if they had a housekeeper and the woman walked in and saw her?
    “Let me out of here!” She screamed as loud as she could, and another thump came through the wall. The door swung open to reveal Gavin, nude, his erect dick bobbing in the air. Normally she’d be salivating, waiting to suck his hard length down her throat, but now she was just pissed.
    A couple of things dangled from his left hand, but she didn’t bother to focus on that. No. The look on his face captured her.
    He looked furious. Feral. Hard. Not at all like the sweet guy who reassured her with his warmth and cuddles when she was unsure.
    “Gavin...” She swallowed hard past the lump in her throat and cringed away from him.
    He stalked into the room, slow, predatory, the thick carpet absorbing the sound of his footsteps.

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