One & Only

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Book: One & Only by Kara Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Griffin
back at them. Bree knew Cait was quite interested in a few of the men by
the dreamy look in her eyes. The warriors certainly were fearsome, but they
were extremely handsome. She couldn’t fault Cait if she had an eye for any one
of them.
    “By my faith, Cait, will you please
behave?” She almost laughed when her friend stepped beside her with the widest
    The laird moved closer and had a
ferocious frown on his face. He’d been quiet up until now and she wasn’t sure
why he scowled like a privy monster. Aye, his brows knotted together, giving
her an astonished glare.
    “My lord is Baron Thomas Champlain
of Falstone. I’m from the border region. He has made a pact with Laird MacHeth
and I fear …”
    “Ye have nothing to fear now,
milady,” James said.
    That didn’t seem to please the laird
and he gave the man a glare. James stepped back in line with the other
warriors. They were content to gaze at her. Bree felt small standing near them.
The warriors rose like mighty oaks while she appeared more like a sapling ready
to be uprooted by a stiff wind. She was sure they would stand firm against any
    Duff gazed sheepishly, his frown
firmly placed. “Laird, doesn’t she remind ye of someone?”
    The laird took his time assessing
her. Bree felt as though she stood with no garments on for all he looked. His
eyes went from her head, lower to her shoulders and then to her breasts where
they remained for more seconds than was decent.
    Bree blushed when he kept his gaze
fixated for a few more seconds before he looked lower to her hips and then
    When he finally moved his eyes to
hers again, he said, “Mayhap she does look a wee bit like her, but it couldn’t
    “Like who?” Bree asked, wondering
why they discussed her as if she wasn’t there.
    The grumpy warrior, Duff, stepped
closer to her before answering. “Ye look like a lass we knew years ago.”
    “What happened to her?” Bree watched
the laird closely.
    “She’s gone. Tell me, who is your
father? What house do ye hail from?” the laird asked.
    “Baron Thomas and my mother is Lady
Millicent. We live near the border on the English side, at Champlain house.”
    The laird frowned and tested the
reins of his horse. “Aye, Falstone, ye said. Why would your father wed ye to a
MacHeth? Has he business with him?”
    “I know not. I have misgivings about
the laird and his followers. I wish not to wed.” Bree wanted to ask them
questions too, but the men ignored her. She decided it was best to reveal as
little knowledge as she could. Before she knew it, they were ready to depart.
    She quickly donned her overdress and
threw her covers in her satchel. She hadn’t even had time to put her shoes on
when the laird called her. Bree stumbled forward, trying to slip her feet into
her shoes. She wasn’t sure if she was in a better situation with these men. But
they did seem agreeable considering they hadn’t harmed her. They would definitely
be able to protect her.
    “Laird Gunn, may I ask where we are
going? Do you have a holding?”
    He stopped next to his horse and
gave a whistle to his men. “Aye, we have lands north of here. Not too far. We
have to make a stop first.”
    “I thank you for your protection,
Laird Gunn. I was fearsome of the MacHeths.”
    Grey stepped closer to her and took
her chin in his hand, raising her face to look at him. Warmth from his hands
should have heated her, but instead she got a chill that ran cold through her
spine. His gray eyes seemed sincere as he bore into her eyes. Bree wasn’t sure
why she felt saddened by his powerful gaze or what he meant by it. Was he
trying to intimate her or appease her fear?
    “Why would ye be afeared of the
MacHeths? What know ye of them?”
    “I confess I don’t know much. Their
laird is a scullion.” She heard several grunts of agreement come from his men.
“I should apologize for my blasphemy, but I shan’t. I don’t trust Laird MacHeth
and I don’t want to marry anyone

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