who I’m talking about. He stayed right there in room 120.”
Rebecca inhaled sharply.
“You said he didn’t stay at the Queen. We didn’t find one of your keys on him either.”
“He used an assumed name,” Whitcombe said with a huff. He ran a trembling hand through his hair, raising more tufts. This time he added a couple of deep furrows which revealed his pink scalp.
The man really needs to get out into the sun more.
“What name?” Tag asked. He pulled out his notepad and flipped through it.
Wade saw Donald Alcott surreptitiously pick up his pen.
“Jackson Michaels.”
Tag stilled then snorted. “Are you kidding me? You didn’t question that?”
Whitcombe drew himself up into a stiff pole of quivering pique. “He had the proper identification. Everything went through just fine.”
Tag nodded. “All right, settle down, Whitty. Just asking a question. How did you discover Mr. Michaels and Fischer were the same man?”
“Excuse me.” The young reporter from Bastrop interrupted the tȇte-à-tȇte. “I couldn’t help but overhear. Are you saying the murdered man was a client of yours?”
“No questions, Junior. Sit back down.”
“But Sheriff, we’d like to know, too,” Sadie protested. She and Hank were hovering at the fringe of an expanding group of people.
Wade caught the rising annoyance on Tag’s face. If he didn’t do something quick, the sheriff would likely blow all his chances at reelection because he pissed off half the county in one fell insult.
“Sadie, Miss Hank, why don’t we go outside and head on over to the donation bus?”
Sadie glared at him. “I told you I already gave, Wade.”
He looked at Hank. “What about you?” He looked at the empty seat. “And your friend Mr. Reynolds? Where did he go? Surely he’ll be happy to donate to the town his great-great-relative helped found.”
“He’s in the bathroom,” Hank said. She took Sadie’s arm. “Let’s go outside and wait, honey. We’ll find out what’s going on later.”
Wade stifled a grin at the true words. The entire town had the news covered from edge to edge between Betty’s Barbershop, Maljib’s diner, and the Chrome Barrel. Nothing escaped the Freedom grapevine.
The older woman hesitated just a moment longer then nodded. She turned her attention to the four surrounding tables and clapped her hands sharply. “Okay, people move along. Let’s give the sheriff some privacy here.”
“But Sadie, I’m not done with my food,” one diner protested.
“Then move to another table. That means you, too,” she said to the wedding party and reporter. “Everyone skedaddle.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” the reporter muttered.
The expression Tag gave him was as black and ominous as a Texas thunderstorm. The young cub gulped and flipped his notebook closed. He snatched up his bill and stalked away. “I’ll be in touch, Sheriff,” he said. “The right to information and all that.”
Sadie dusted her hands together. “All right, Tag. The floor is all yours. Come on, Hank. We’ll wait for Charles up front.”
Wade grinned at her military precision in clearing the area. When he looked at Tag, he snorted again. The sheriff’s eyes were closed and he was mouthing numbers.
“Still trying to do that relaxation shit, huh?” he asked softly.
“What relaxation stuff?” Rebecca asked.
Wade touched her elbow. He’d been right. Her skin was smooth and soft and she smelled heavenly. Her light scent reminded him of orange-wrapped cotton.
“After he got out of the military, he attended some classes and one thing they tried to teach him was relaxation through breathing and meditation.”
“Hippie bullshit,” Tag muttered. He looked around then nodded. “Okay, Whitty. We’re gonna call Boone then head on over to the Queen. I’ll lock down the room and search it. You haven’t cleaned it, have you?”
Whitcombe shook his head. “No. The Do Not Disturb sign has been on the door for several