Jess Michaels

Free Jess Michaels by Taboo

Book: Jess Michaels by Taboo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taboo
    Cassandra squeezed her eyes shut, but she nodded.
    Nathan was quiet and still for a moment, but then he curled his body up around hers and leaned down to press a hot, wet kiss against that sensitive spot on her spine that always drove her wild. She didn’t think any of her other lovers had ever quite found it, but when Nathan did, her body jolted.
    “I’m going to make this so good for you,” he murmured. “And you know you cannot deny me any demand.”
    Cassandra let her breath out in a long sigh. He was right about that. And in truth, her heart was pounding as much from pure exhilaration at the thought of what he wanted to do as it was from anxiety.
    “Then do it,” she said, her voice a taunt. “If you say youmay take anything, why bother to pretend you are asking me my leave.”
    He caught her chin and tilted her face so that she looked at him over her shoulder, their gazes locked in combat.
    “I’ll have you begging, Cassandra,” he growled. “Not asking.”
    She pulled her face away and arched against him as answer, grinding her still wet sheath against the granite length of his cock. He sucked in his breath at the touch, pressing forward almost as if against his will and letting his cock enter her just an inch. Her breath quickened with excitement at the breach, as did his.
    Then he pulled back, shaking his head, and returned to the work of lubricating her untried bottom with the hot juices of her own body. The more he worked his fingers around the tight entrance, the more Cassandra began to relax and even enjoy the light touch. The area had so many nerves, so many points of pleasure she had never explored, that she couldn’t help but gasp and cry out in wonder every time he stroked some hidden place of pleasure.
    And then, suddenly and without warning, his finger glided inside her virgin channel. She caught her breath at the unexpected invasion, tensing as pleasure met a hint of pain. With his free hand, Nathan massaged her lower back, the brush of his skin gentle against hers as he murmured low words of comfort.
    She shut her eyes, breathing as she tried to relax, tried to focus on the pleasure of the way he was gently stretching her, readying her for him, seducing her the very same way he had the first time they made love all those years ago. Then shehad been a shy virgin, thrilled with the attention of such a handsome, charming man.
    Now she felt the same way, despite years of experience, despite the painful past that she kept locked inside her, never to be revealed, especially to Nathan. But right now, with him coaxing her to a new pleasure, she felt pure again, new to pleasure. New to him.
    “God, you are so tight, so hot,” he moaned. “You are going to feel so fucking good.”
    She rocked herself back, a silent demand for more and he slipped his fingers from her body as he positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. She slowed her breath, forcing control over her anxiety as he began to slide inside. She had been well lubricated by his ministrations and she was surprised by how slick he slid into her, stretching her untried passage with his thick length.
    She bit out a breath on a cry, overcome by the border between pleasure and pain, rocking on the edge and loving every unexpected moment.
    When he was fully seated deep within her, he paused, letting her become acclimated to the new sensations. She bit her lip and rocked forward, reveling in the slide of skin on skin, then pushed back. He took her cue immediately and began to slowly thrust.
    Cassandra was amazed by how quickly her tense, frightened body relaxed into the new feelings. Pain was forgotten as Nathan took her in this new way, pleasure was all that remained as his thrusts grew harder, faster.
    Her tingling pussy clenched at emptiness each time he thrust, jealously aching as she was taken. Bracing one arm on the headrest above her, Cassandra snaked her fingers down to her wet body and began to rub her clit in time to his

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