Sensual Stranger

Free Sensual Stranger by Tina Donahue

Book: Sensual Stranger by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
fell over her shoulder.
    Ignoring it, Toni lifted a hairbrush to the side of her
head, turned and froze as their eyes met.
    Her gaze slipped down his naked chest, pausing at his fly,
lingering on his erection. Desire quickly replaced her surprise. Her lips
parted. A gentle breath spilled out. Her eyes darted back to his.
    In a rush of movement, Zach slipped his fingers around the
back of her neck, using his body to push hers into the door.
    The wood smacked against the doorstop, then vibrated,
matching the sounds of his sprinting heart.
    Toni dropped her brush. It made brief taps as it bounced
across the hardwood floor.
    Her skin was so ungodly hot, a pleased groan tore from deep
within Zach’s throat. Head lowered to hers, he captured her mouth and drove his
tongue inside, filling her as much as he could, his kiss savage, uncivilized,
punishing…for making him wait, for making him want.
    Unaware of his turbulent emotions, simply obedient to their
desire, she suckled him deeper, her mouth tasting of peppermint toothpaste and
female lust. She ran the heels of her palms up his pecs, then wreathed her arms
over his naked shoulders and dug her nails into his back to pull him even
closer, keeping him there with one leg wrapped around his.
    Roused beyond control, Zach ground his stiffened cock into
her mound and angled his mouth for greater penetration.
    They made sloppy, lewd, joyous sounds, telling each other
and the world they were alive, they deserved this, necking brazenly for
minutes. When the fury began to ebb, their kiss turned tender, exploring,
stoking even more of Zach’s passion.
    Toni melted in his arms, her chest rising with her strangled
breaths, her ribs pushing against his.
    Obsessive need sliced through Zach. Tearing his mouth free,
heaving air, he stepped back, forcing her leg from around his. With a look of
disapproval, Toni glanced at their separated bodies. Her gaze shifted to his hands
on her forearms, pulling them from his shoulders.
    She protested, “What are you—”
    Her words halted as he imprisoned her wrists in one hand,
lifting her arms above her head, holding them to the door. The wood shimmied
again. On a strained growl, Zach pushed her camisole up with his free hand,
exposing her right breast.
    A faint mewling noise rose from Toni’s throat, sounding like
pure pleasure.
    His legs went rubbery. A wave of dizziness hit so hard Zach
had to lower his head to stop it. He stared at her nipple, a paler pink than he
would have guessed, tight and puckered, waiting for his mouth.
    He made his first lick unhurried, the tip of his tongue
skimming the hard bud. His next was hungered, his laps exploring the bumpy
surface of her areola, the creamy skin beyond it.
    A rush of air whooshed from Toni. She sagged against the
    Tightening his hand on her wrists, Zach’s free hand went to
her breast, cupping its weight and warmth in his palm. He drew her nipple
inside his mouth, suckling hard, soft, hard again, incapable of settling on
either. He wanted to fuck her raw on the bathroom floor, then take her to the
guest bedroom, tie her to the bed and do things with her that he’d done with no
other woman.
    Releasing her nipple, he slanted his mouth over hers,
accepting her tongue, sucking it deep. His free hand slipped to her boxer
shorts and over her mound. Desire shuddered through him. He could feel the heat
of her skin through the thin cotton fabric.
    Toni moaned indecently, encouraging him to do more.
    Zach’s fingers crept up her thigh, beneath the hem of the
shorts, to her damp curls.
    She spread her legs.
    The alarm went off. She flinched at its sound and so did he.
Forgotten until now, its piercing wail assaulted the quiet, demanding his
    Pulling his mouth free, Zach panted, his head swinging to
his bedroom, then back to Toni. He stared at how he’d trapped her wrists, not
quite remembering it. Forcing himself to release her, he stepped back, gulping
    Toni’s arms fell at her

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